Australian District Entity

1. Introduction

In Australia, the area managed by a District Government is defined as a Local Government Area (LGA). In Australia, the LGAs are the identified as "Administrative Level 6" in OpenStreetMap.

Details for on the common Administrative Levels used worldwide are available here:

District Label is a shortened version of the full LGA name that can be used in space constrained user interfaces e.g. web pages. It must be all lowercase and be 10 characters or less.

2. District Label Formation

In Australia a District Label is created from the official District Name using a 3-step process:

  1. Make the name all lowercase

  2. Remove these words from the name:

    1. city
    2. council
    3. district
    4. municipal
    5. municipality
    6. of
    7. region
    8. regional
    9. rural
    10. shire
    11. town
    12. the
  3. Remove any non-alphanumeric characters
    e.g. space, dash, comma etc.

District Label examples for some Australia LGAs:

District Label Local Government Area
bayside Bayside Council
greatergeraldton City of Greater Geraldton
mosman Mosman Council
northernbeaches Northern Beaches Council
randwick Randwick City Council
sydney Council of the City of Sydney
waverley Waverley Council
wyndhameastkimberley Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley

3. District Label Usage

District Labels can be used by themselves (e.g. sydney) only if there is no ambiguity, otherwise they should be used with prefix and suffix added (e.g. g_sydney_aunsw).

If possible. always use a District Label with prefix and suffix:

  • a type prefix g_ to standard for government
  • a region suffix consisting of its Region Label e.g. aunsw

For example:

  • g_sydney_aunsw
  • g_wyndhameastkimberley_auwa

In Australia the Local Government Areas change quite often, so District Labels should not be used when consistency over time is required (Cell Labels can be used instead).

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