Citizen Synergy

Countries working TOGETHER instead of against each other.

Unlimited online trust enables unlimited collaboration worldwide to solve some of the toughest problems facing humankind.

Solve the most difficult problems facing humankind by working together across national boundaries.

Join the global "Virtual Vaccine" program to solve contact tracing problems that have defeated all governments worldwide.

Meaningful Impact

Compute Ownership breaks the Cloud Platform innovation bottleneck by distributing compute (from AI to blockchain) previously locked up in DOZENS of companies to BILLIONS of citizens, so they can work together to solve the hardest problems facing humankind.

Citizen Compute makes meaningful impact to the human ecology and scales equitably globally.

Citizen Synergy drives innovations across the whole human ecology to make significant improvements to the well-being of all humans:


Each ecology layer includes related project with a single focus and relies on the proper functioning of the layers underneath. You can create new projects or your contributions to existing projects, in ANY of the layers will help move humankind forward.

Aggregating Compute Everywhere

Ubiquitous Compute delivers to across all sectors of the society by aggregating the compute power of millions of Private Cyberspaces.


1. Everything and Everywhere

The use of independently owned Private Cyberspace is the ONLY way of delivering ubiquitous compute safely.

The benefits of transferring of digital asset and data control from Cloud Platforms to your Private Cyberspace can be multiplied many times by working together with other Private Cyberspaces to solve common large-scale problems.


  1. Trust - partitioned

  2. Complexity - abstracted

  3. Reliability - multiplied

  4. Load - distributed

  5. Innovation - combined

  6. Waste - eliminated

Billions of Compute Assets working together can make impacts on the physical world that are never possible with just Dozens of Cloud Services.

Virtual Vaccine

Transform public health with global realtime insights that are not possible with Cloud Cloud service to privacy restrictions.

Owner Secure

Collective Security at population scale.

Collective Purchase

Petty Reward

Massive problems (e.g. COVID-19) required a massive responses (e.g. Virtual Vaccine) involving millions of Private Cyberspaces.
has access to almost unlimited compute power by leveraging the compute from EVERY Private Cyberspace, at the same time it promotes fairness by tracking and rewarding EVERY contribution.