Compute Ownership

Income Advantage

  • Cloud Platform rewards its user based on proprietary platform ALGORITHMS.
  • Private Cyberspace rewards its owners based on MUTUALLY perceived value.

Data Safety

A major dilemma with selling your data is the lack of privacy, the more data you sell the less privacy you have. So your data income was essentially limited by how much privacy you are willing to lose.

Private Dataspace solves this income dilemma by letting you sell your data without losing your privacy with the world's first deployment of homomorphic encryption at population scale.


Private Dataspace uses a novel 2 step data exchange process to not just protect owner privacy but also to ensure maximum return on owner data.


If someone uses your personal data and infrastructure built with your tax dollars to generate massive profits from their AI models, may be they should give you some money in return ?

Instead of money, now that you have you own Private Cyberspace with compute power, may be they can:

  1. Let your cyberspace run the software performing the inferencing and training with your data ?
  2. Let you cyberspace use the resulting models that were trained with your data ?
  3. Let your cyberspace access other data they were used with along with your data in training their model ?

Once you have collected some data into your own private cyberspace, you can OPTIONALLY work other cyberspaces in a safe and synergistic manner to solve the most difficult problems facing humankind.

For example, currently you can earn bronze y20coins anonymously (e.g. for helping to locate COVID virus down to meters and cut its legs off within minutes by notifying others).

From the wifi signals on the street to the barcodes on a bottle of milk, you can donate or sell the the data you have collected in your Private Cyberspace immediately on collection or on a later date.

Selling DATA in your Private Cyberspace redirects the funds originally going to the Cloud Platforms to you, however Private Cyberspace also let you sell INSIGHTS by processing your data yourself and then selling the resulting insight, which is substantially safer than exposing your data to others.


You can also use your Private Cyberspace to receive data anonymously, from a pothole on the road in front to an active shooter in the building, from an ambulance coming up behind you to proving you are somewhere else at a certain time in courts ... the possibilities are endless.