

Our focus is the delivery of Private Cyberspace applications in New South Wales, Australia, however we are help others becoming Application Integrators in their local government region.
is the usage of the Private Cyberspace technology in general.

1. Beginners

  1. Private Cyberspace Introduction
    Click HERE for an overview of Private Cyberspace technology.

  2. Personal Console Introduction
    Click HERE for an overview of Personal Console software.

  3. Personal Console Quick Start
    Click HERE for a step by step guide to using the Personal Console software.

2. Devices

  1. iOS phones
    Click HERE for instructions on setting up Safari and related iOS apps.

  2. Android phones
    Click HERE for instructions on setting up Chrome and related Android apps.

3. Need Help ?

Questions, concerns, problems, suggestions?
CLICK HERE to access the discussion forum.

If there are security and safety concerns at anytime please contact us directly:
Call or SMS +614 888 437 33

4. Release Limitations

Private Cyberspace is continuously being developed, for release timeline and limitations of each release please CLICK HERE to access the Release Timeframes.

5. Supported Countries

Countries should have their own local Application Service Providers creating Private Cyberspaces tailored to their own needs, is happy to support overseas countries using our Australia based service to bootstrap local efforts in their countries.

6. Other Information

  1. Why Virtual Vaccine? Click HERE

  2. Licenses Click HERE

  3. Privacy Policy Click HERE

  4. Instruction Videos Click HERE

  5. About Contact Trace Australia Click HERE

  6. Software Repository Click HERE