
1. Rapid Deployment

Citizen Synergy turns the world's existing Cloud based information structure around and pushes the

A major advantage of Private Cyberspaces over Cloud Platforms is infinite customising possibilities to suit the particular needs of individuals and organisations. It never make sense to restrict the digital environments of billions of people to creation of just a few companies.

Cyberspace Incubators make the initial experience of Private Cyberspace easier and more meaningful by preloading applications and infrastructures for specific industries or segments of population. Once the owner has more experience they can change every aspect of their cyberspaces and grow them in any direction they want.

Cyberspace Owners are supported by incubators whose purpose is to make it EASY for the owners to maximise the benefits provided of their private cyberspaces.

Incubators make it easy for everyone (independent of their skills and wealth) to create and operate their own Private Cyberspaces by solving common Usability and Affordability issues that traditionally come with starting a new endeavour.

As a cyberspace owner the Application Provider that helps you create your first Private Cyberspace is your incubator. Explore the possibilities of your Private Cyberspace with it and after you have gained some experience you can look at other incubator types mention on this page.

Incubation is a critical part of innovation within Entity Computing (which rejects the idea that a few directors and engineers of the Cloud can know what is best for the rest of the world). Incubators' roles are just in getting people started and then let them grow their Private Cyberspaces in their OWN ways.

There are incubators supporting all start up types, from Cyberspace Owners (e.g. you) to Application Providers (e.g. to Infrastructure Suppliers (e.g. to Ecosystem Coordinators (e.g.

1.1. Usability

Fit for Purpose For your initial Private Cyberspace you can choose an Application Provider that preload applications that matches closest to your lifestyle e.g. university student, active retiree etc. If you do not have a preference, you can just go to and you will be redirected to a general purpose Application Provider closest to you.

Simple Adjustments After your Private Cyberspace is created, you can adjust it according to your needs (to make it easier to use, to add more features etc.) including changing everything that the Application Provider has preloaded for you or changing the Application Provider itself - at anytime, at no cost - while keeping all the information asset you have already gathered untouched.

This flexibility is a direct result of storing your data in your Private Cyberspace where you have full control instead of storing your data in the Cloud where it has control.

AI Assist Most Application Providers will have some AI assist user-interface. For example, speech recognition:

1.2. Affordability

Different Application Providers can decide on the best way of offering their applications and their level of support service but the idea is to level the playing field for those with financial resources, so the default is the Anonymous Voluntary Donation mode within the Retrospective Reward scheme.

In order to grow the ecosystem, most Application Providers charges for commercial use only, that is they do NOT charge at fees if you use them for commercial purposes, but you are asked to contributes about 1% of your revenue if you operate your

Unlike a platform an A Citizen Ecosystem enable local communities WITHOUT much resources to put together their own community based services rapidly and cheaply by leveraging global citizen applications.

Incubators provides citizen ecosystem templates enabling citizens worldwide to set up local private cyberspaces rapidly. They can also provide any missing components filling in gaps temporarily until local resources are available. is an incubator for citizen ecosystems, it can be used as a template for creation of new ecosystems as well as a backup ecosystem for other ecosystems.

It is designed to complement and not replace country specific ecosystems (e.g.,, which have much more features, better integration with the governments and much narrower focus.

Every organisation, whatever the size, can now leverage off the data and computing power of millions of citizen mobile phones and home computers to substantially improve their insight, income and impact.