Personal Compute

Compute User vs Owner

For the first time in history individuals have FULL control of their identity:

  • Not their governments
  • Not their banks
  • Not their employers
  • Not their schools
  • Not their parents
  • Not their friends

For the first time, Compute Owners have MORE insight into themselves than any of the above. Yes, not even the Online Social Platform they use EVERYDAY have more control of their identity that the Compute Owners themselves.

Changing the Paradigm not just the Game

Everyone, no matter their skill (from children to retirees), can customise their private cyberspaces by swapping application modules like playing with toy bricks.

Since you own the compute in your Private Cyberspace, you can collect, process and distribute data under your own algorithms instead of cloud algorithms.

Discover a new you by storing and analysing ALL your data, not matter how private or trivial, without any cloud or government restrictions e.g privacy laws do not apply.

Personalise your Private Cyberspace by mixing and matching Citizen Modules like toy bricks - NO technical skill required.

Keep swapping modules until you are happy - not everyone knows how to cook but EVERYONE knows what tastes good!

Personal Compute ... AGAIN

The massive injection of compute power by Private Cyberspace into the general population improves every aspect of modern life from personal dignity (how you value yourself and how others value you) to national security (wars are won by the industries at the back as much as on the battlefields at the front).

Similar to what the microprocessor did 50 years ago (which gave birth to Apple, Microsoft etc.), Private Dataspace enables the massive global decentralisation of computing.

The new compute capability is like another dawn of Personal Computing ... people can once again build up their information spaces freely just like renovating their physical spaces at home!


However, the most exciting new capability is not just working on your data yourself, it is working with others.

Private Dataspace takes advantage of the latest technologies (homomorphic encryption for trust, artificial intelligence for ease of use, mesh routing for connectivity etc.) to promote collaboration between Private Dataspaces, so they can work together to solve the most intractable problems facing humankind.


You can now take advantage of your newly acquired ownership over your data to gain unprecedented productivity and security e.g.

  1. receiving data income (previously taken by cloud platforms)
  2. analysing detailed data deeply (previously not possible on cloud platforms due to privacy reasons)
  3. interacting directly with people safely (previously you need to go through cloud platforms)
  4. etc. etc.

The benefits of transforming an user to an owner by delivering compute to data are virtually endless ...

Most people are already aware of the many problems with cloud platforms e.g.

  • cloud platforms know more about users than the users themselves
  • cloud platforms controls almost every aspect of their users' lives
  • user data are building up cloud platform assets instead of users' own assets

The problem was the lack of practical alternatives to existing cloud platforms. A problem that Private Dataspace has been designed to solve.

What does Private Cyberspace give you ?

Private Cyberspace gives you Compute Ownership instantly - with just ONE CLICK.

Empowering you to store and process your data with your own compute, transferring data value, income, insight, impact from cloud platforms (which perform compute on your data in their interests, not yours) back to you.

Your Asset

Build digital ASSET for yourself instead of for the cloud platforms.

By storing your data yourself, you become the sole beneficiary of your data, whether it is innovating to create VALUE or sharing to earn passive INCOME e.g selling your data yourself, create your digital legacy etc.

Your Way

Take the CONTROL of your digital life back from the cloud platforms.

By processing your data yourself, every bit of your data, no matter how private or trivial, can be used to gain INSIGHT and make IMPACT without external restrictions e.g governments privacy laws, cloud platform algorithms etc.

Your Value

By storing your data yourself, you become the sole beneficiary of your data, whether it is innovating to create VALUE or sharing to earn passive INCOME e.g selling your data yourself, create your digital legacy etc.

Your Income

By storing your data yourself, you become the sole beneficiary of your data, whether it is innovating to create VALUE or sharing to earn passive INCOME e.g selling your data yourself, create your digital legacy etc.

Gain Insight

By processing your data yourself, every bit of your data, no matter how private or trivial, can be used to gain INSIGHT and make IMPACT without external restrictions e.g governments privacy laws, cloud platform algorithms etc.

Make Impact

By processing your data yourself, every bit of your data, no matter how private or trivial, can be used to gain INSIGHT and make IMPACT without external restrictions e.g governments privacy laws, cloud platform algorithms etc.

To be continued