Your Asset

1. Affordable Cyberspace

Citizen Synergy removes the COST, SKILL and RISK barriers to private cyberspace ownership by aggregating surplus resources from others and taking over data income from the Cloud. Everyone now have abundant compute power to operate RELIABLY at any scale, no matter their wealth.

Deploy Crowd Infrastructure to increase capacity and reduce cost with just One Command. By leveraging surplus resources from each other and taking data income away from the Cloud, people at ALL skill and wealth levels can benefit from technology equitably.

1.1. Crowd Infrastructure Design

With numerous massive data centres around the world, there is NO WAY for Private Cyberspaces to match the scale of the economies of the Cloud Platforms using traditional infrastructure.

But what if we turn the traditional control flow UPSIDE DOWN ?

Breaking up your existing Cloud services that are ran by a handful of companies into thousands of sites all around the world can add a whole new dimension into your digital life.

Private Cyberspaces working together can transform the information landscape, Imagine Apple and Google working together! From a few friends backing up each other's data ( to millions of citizens controlling pandemics (, the possibilities are endless.

Crowd Infrastructure has been developed to solve the Personal Privacy vs Virus Visibility Conundrum that has prevented rapid isolation of COVID transmission. The same capability can be applied in many areas, from controlling transmissible diseases to redistribution of excess food to polling public opinions to finding missing persons to alerting about active terrorist attack.

The flexibility of Crowd Infrastructure enables the Users to take advantage of the daily improving technology curve, whether it is blockchain or AI they all run on the user's OWN infrastructure.

Instead of having to support thousands of users, the "upside down" Crowd Infrastructure only has to support one user.

For each application and each user, there is an application-specific user-driven infrastructure which is highly diverse, globally distributed, fully encrypted and self-heals.

By leveraging off each other's infrastructure, citizen computing users have access to a wide range of infrastructure to suit their specific needs - pick a site in the neighbourhood for low latency daily use, pick a site in another city for disaster recovery.

Unlike Cloud data centres with thousands computers inside, there is no special cooling, no security guard, no redundant power, no fibre loops required.

Instead of exporting your precious DATA to the Cloud for processing or exchange, Citizen Compute enables you to keep them safely with you and import COMPUTE to process them under your control as well as EXCHANGE them directly with others independent of the Cloud.

With Citizen Compute, your data is stored securely in your Private Cyberspace. You can leverage idle compute resources within the community to process you data at ultra low cost with Crowd Infrastructure and earn income with your data through the Citizen Synergy exchange.