Country Area Entity
A country is a fundamental structure in Area Entity, each country has at least one Country Entity.
In order to prevent commercial corporations from taking over the computing of large parts of the world (like what Cloud Computing is doing now), Private Cyberspace draws its compute power from Area Entities that maps to existing Government Regions.
Basically transferring compute power (and thus real power) from cloud platforms back to local governments.
1. Country Name
In order to deploy rapidly worldwide, uses the ISO 3166 Country Codes as Country Entity Names.
The Country Entity Name is created simply by changing the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 into lowercase.
For example:
Country | Alpha-2 Code | Country Entity |
Australia | AU | au |
China | CN | cn |
Germany | DE | de |
United States of America | US | us |
The up-to-date list of all alpha-2 country codes available here:
2. Country Boundaries
During the Citizen Startup phase the OpenStreetMap government admin levels as default for country boundaries.
The default boundaries are for demonstration purpose only and can be corrected by country governments at any time (even during the startup phase).
3. Dependent Countries
Despite having their own ISO Country Codes, dependent territories and constituent countries that are parts of sovereign states are not treated as Country Entities, they are treated as regions under their sovereign states.
For example, Cocos Islands (cc) is NOT a country entity, along with other Australian Territories, it is under Australia (au) with a regional code of auzzz (which means Other Australian Territories).
4. Small Countries
During the Citizen Startup phase, sovereign states with a population of less than 200,000 (according to the figures in wikipedia population page may be treated as a single country in some cases e.g. in the assigning of technological resources to that country.
For example, a fictitious country code (aa) has been created internally for use during the startup phase for the allocation of the 100 startup software engineer per "country". All small countries like Liechtenstein (li) and Monaco (mc) will share in the nomination of up to 100 engineer for that fictitious "aa" country. In that context, Liechtenstein will have a region code of (aali) while Monaco will have a region code of (aamc).