+612 8002 0009

Australian Chinese Phone Agent

Mandarin is the most spoken non-English language in Australia and in the World.

au.88.io is actively developing support for Mandarin under the +6128002009 phone number to complement its 138813 English based phone agent.

Official Australian Region names in Chinese for the AU ISO Regions are:

  • 新南威尔士州 (aunsw)
  • 维多利亚州 (auvic)
  • 西澳大利亚州 (auwa)
  • 南澳大利亚州 (ausa)
  • 塔斯马尼亚州 (autas)
  • 澳大利亚首都领地 (auact)
  • 昆士兰州 (auqld)
  • 北领地 (aunt)
  • 澳大利亚其他领土 (auzzz)

The Phone Agent will understand the above Chinese names as well as shorter versions of them. Tell us if you believe we have missed some shorter versions of those names.


From an Australian phone number, please call +612 8002 0009

The above phone number should understand both Mandarin and Cantonese, but please post under partition ai if you experience problems.

The following are current defaults:

  1. Characters used are 简体字 (instead of 繁體字 etc.)
  2. Mandarin is translated to 普通话 (instead of 国语, 华语 etc.)
  3. Cantonese is translated to 广东话 (instead of 粤语, 广府话, 广州话 etc.)