Bluetooth Station 2025a

DX-Smart CP28

Bluetooth Station 2024 Model A (BS24a) is a battery powered mesh station that can operate between 3 to 5 years without needing a change of batteries.

BS24a is based on the DX-Smart CP28 that ships with a double-sided sticker and 2 batteries already installed inside.

1. Applications

BS24a is a game changer in terms of Activity Marker roll-out, enabling ultra low-cost and low-fast deployed in almost any location:

  1. Advertising Billboards
  2. Public Transports
  3. Lifts and Basements
  4. Caves and Tunnels

Use your imagination to grow your Compute Asset - see where you can stick one of these BS24a to and earn some Compute Income!

FREE BS24a Offer
We are providing up to 100 BS24a for FREE to Compute Owners in each country for deployment in spaces where deploying WS24a is not feasible or too difficult. Make post under the Citizen StartUp Forum with topic name "Free BS24a" to apply.

2. Features

BS24a has many advantages as a Radio Activity Marker:

  1. It is small and compact
  2. It does not require external power
  3. Its batteries do not need recharging or changing for 3 to 5 years
  4. It can be programmed manually without touch over Bluetooth using an iOS application
  5. It can be deployed high up or in hard to reach places to prevent vandalism

Some BS24a disadvantages include:

  1. It can only broadcast Radio Activity Markers, it cannot scan for other radio signals
  2. The Activity Markers it broadcasts cannot change very often.

Since programming a new Activity Marker into the BS24a is a manual process, it is used mainly in applications where the Activity Marker value does NOT need to be changed frequently.

If a power source is available, you should deploy the WiFi Station 2024 Model A (WS24a) instead, which enables the Activity Marker at anytime using via WiFi.

3. Specifications

Specifications Details Specifications Details
Chipset DA14531 Model Number CP28
Bluetooth BLE 5.1 Protocol iBeacon, Eddystone
Battery Type CR2477 Broadcast Interval 100ms~1000ms
Battery Capacity 880×2 mAh Transmit Power -19.5~+2.5dBm
Battery Shape Button Cell Sensitivity -94dBm@0.1%BER
Modulation GFSK Frequency 2.402GHz -2.480GHz
Antenna Impedance 50Ω Hopping Channels 1600hops/s, 2MHzspacing, 40channels
Antenna Type Inverted-F PCB Size 55.6*55.6mm
Temperature -40℃ to +40℃ Humidity 10%-95% non-condensing

Default Power Consumption is 24.87uA based on default broadcast interval of 500ms and default transmit power of +2.5dBm.

4. Button Switch

There is a small button switch inside, next to the 2 batteries holders, accessible by removing the back of BS24a case.

  • Turn ON
    press and hold the KEY switch for at least 2 seconds

  • Turn OFF
    press and hold the KEY switch for at least 6 seconds

5. Marker Programming

When you receive your BS24a it should have already been preprogrammed with the Activity Marker you specified, however you can change it at anytime yourself using an iOS application by following the instructions in the user manual.

User Manual

CP28 Software User Manual.pdf (4.6 MB)

Note Android is not as reliable with Bluetooth Beacons as iOS, we recommended using the iOS app (not the Android app) for programming.


There are 3 main bluetooth processor families:

  1. Texas Instruments CC26xx family
  2. Nordic Semiconductor nRF52xx family
  3. Renesas DA14xx family

All chip families perform similarly, the most important factor is not the chip family by the design of the circuit board, particularly the antenna.

Currently we are using the Renesas DA14531 in our Bluetooth Station 2024 Model A (BA24a)

Future Developments

Due to our focus on the other Mesh Stations, currently we have not exploited the full capabilities of the DA14531 yet.

Over-The-Air Update

Currently an external iOS mobile application is required to perform over-the-air update to the BA24a, we will develop our own OTA update using SUOTA.

Dynamic MAC

Currently the BA24a's MAC address is fixed, it will be nice if we can change the address at anytime we want over-the-air.

Dynamic Marker

Change the software so that it broadcast dynamic bluetooth beacon signals e.g. Eddystone, iBeacon etc.