Citizen Application

Deployment Layer

Citizen Applications are traditional applications enhanced with Compute Owner technologies like dynamic alias, entity agent and infinite disk.

The focus is on open sourced software which are plentiful, GitHub alone has millions of open source applications you can run with full access to their source code..


  1. Trust - partitioned

  2. Complexity - abstracted

  3. Reliability - multiplied

  4. Load - distributed

  5. Innovation - combined

  6. Waste - eliminated

Billions of Compute Assets working together can make impacts on the physical world that are never possible with just Dozens of Cloud Services.

Virtual Vaccine

Transform public health with global realtime insights that are not possible with Cloud Cloud service to privacy restrictions.

Owner Secure

Collective Security at population scale.

Collective Purchase

Petty Reward

Massive problems (e.g. COVID-19) required a massive responses (e.g. Virtual Vaccine) involving millions of Private Cyberspaces.
has access to almost unlimited compute power by leveraging the compute from EVERY Private Cyberspace, at the same time it promotes fairness by tracking and rewarding EVERY contribution.