Compute Owner

Cost Advantage

Economies of Scale

Making Private Cyberspace affordable and attractive to all 8 billion on earth requires a PARADIGM SHIFT in economies of scale:

  • from achieving economies of scale through Centralisation (cloud platforms growing as many users as possible). It is about a few planning what might be efficient FOR OTHERS in the future.
  • into achieving economies of scale through Collaboration (private cyberspaces working together as much as possible). It is about many deciding what is efficient FOR THEMSELVES in real-time.

Private Cyberspace removes the COST barrier to RELIABLE infrastructure by leveraging community idle capacities (e.g. unused disks, bored retirees), reusing broken devices (e.g. laptops with faulty screens & keyboards) and taking over data income from the Cloud.

  • Cloud Platform lowers cost by SHARING platform resources between many platform users.
  • Private Cyberspace lowers cost by AGGREGATING the resources of many cyberspace owners.

Currently most people can only collaborate via cloud platforms, with private cyberspace everyone can collaborate directly and benefit from network effects that were only available cloud platforms before.

Digital Equity

Private Cyberspace removes the COST barrier by leveraging community idle capacities (e.g. unused disks, bored retirees), reusing broken devices (e.g. laptops with faulty screens & keyboards) and taking over data income from the Cloud.

Private Cyberspace removes the COST barrier to private cyberspace ownership by aggregating surplus resources from others and taking over data income from the Cloud. Everyone now have RELIABLE infrastructure to operate at any scale, no matter their wealth.