Compute Owner

1. Introduction

Take control of your data - evolve from a Compute User to a Compute Owner with just ONE CLICK.                                            


1.1. Why Compute Owner ?

1.1. Your Problem

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of Your Hand
And Eternity in An Hour
william blake

In a digital world built with DATA instead of atoms, scaling up your capabilities without limit, is already possible:

  • communication with millions of people ... thousands of kilometres away ... in just one second
  • search the combined knowledge of humankind ... through all our history ... with just one click

There is only ONE problem:
    you actually do NOT own that capability
        only dozens of Cloud Compute do

1.2. Our Solution

We solved the COST and SKILL problems associated with compute ownership - transferring those capabilities from Cloud Compute back to you.

2. Control and Value of Data

Data is your most important asset – knowing or disclosing just ONE extra piece of data could change your life.

Yet currently most of your data is stored remotely in the Cloud, controlled and processed by people you have never met, all of them having DIFFERENT interests and aspirations to you.

You interact through their interfaces and you play by their rules, basically you have lost control – your most important asset is NO longer yours.

2. Removing Cost and Skill Barriers

With Compute Ownership, individuals can import compute to process their data themselves instead of exporting their data to Cloud Compute, taking back the control of their digital lives and value of their data.

Currently Cloud Compute controls digital activities and monopolises data values worldwide, creating a global Cloud Bottleneck that stifles every aspect of modern life (from innovation to production).

Compute Ownership gives you unprecedented capabilities in your digital life by solving security and profitability problems associated with mass compute ownership.

Compute Ownership gives you unprecedented capabilities in your digital life, so well articulated in William Blake's poem, which are only available now ... more than 200 years after it was written.

Whereas previously there was simply no efficient way to tell an AI model which parts of an input image to keep, Compute Ownership changes this by introducing a method to enable Stable Diffusion models to use additional input conditions that tell the model exactly what to do

For the first time in history, both COST and SKILL barriers to compute ownership are removed.

Private Cyberspace Applications

Private Cyberspace is about giving non-technical owners EASY CONTROL of their applications.

Not everyone knows how to cook, but we all know what tastes good. If food taste bad, change the cook instead of going into the kitchen.

The same applies to the private cyberspace application.

All applications inside your Private Cyberspace are under your full control of you only (no one else).

Owners interact with each other through their own private cyberspaces under their own rules without an cloud limitation.

personal application space under the exclusive control of the owner.

There are millions of free and open source applications (many resell by the cloud to you),

all your needs, wants and dreams

Compute Equity gives you ownership of a personal piece of the online world (through private cyberspace applications), so you can see more, earn more and do more in the physical world under your own terms by working directly with other private cyberspaces (through citizen synergy infrastructure) without depending on cloud platforms..

2.2. Citizen Synergy Infrastructures

instead of sending your data into the Cloud, you process data yourself in your Private Cyberspace.

by transferring the control of your data and resulting benefits from Cloud Platforms back to you.

empower individuals to effect real world effects by giving them full control and all benefits from their data:

  1. establish Application Ownership
  2. build Community Infrastructure

, without relying on hegemonic Cloud Platforms, no matter their wealth or knowledge levels.

Information Effects enables you to effect changes in the analog world by owning a piece if the digital world.

Cloud Computing has been lim

The opportunity for individuals to change the world at scale has been limited,

Cloud Compute vs Team Compute

With almost everyone on earth being fed a diet of FREE services by Cloud Computing for so many years, it would be difficult to move people away from the Cloud, unless there is something that is BETTER THAN FREE.

The increasing transfer of the world's information assets (and thus power) from so MANY to so FEW is occurring because the Cloud does bring some benefits to the end users in order to suck them in:

  1. The Cloud is FAST to join and submit your data into BUT have you tried leaving or taking your data out ? Deleting your data is not so fast ?
  2. The Cloud is EASY to use if your follow their rules BUT have you had problems with their operation ? Complaining is not so easy ?
  3. The Cloud is CHEAP when you start BUT what about after you are hooked ? The premium versions are not so cheap ?

Private Cyberspace does not just deliver compute faster, easier and cheaper than Cloud Platform, it totally transforms how compute is being performed.

Instead of PASSIVELY living in a digital environment determined by the Cloud, now you can ACTIVELY shape your own Private Cyberspace.

  • See Clearly - beyond cloud's ranking and recommendation algorithms.
  • Think Deeply - without being interrupted by cloud notifications and advertisements.
  • Interact Privately - without cloud monitoring your activity and selling your data.
  • Act Freely - without following cloud's interests and rules.

Private Cyberspace adds new dimensions to your digital life that are NEVER possible if your live in the Cloud:

  1. Data that were too private for the cloud can now be analysed by you.
  2. Automations that were not profitable for the cloud can now be deployed by you.
  3. Control that was given away to the cloud can now be retained by you.
  4. Interruptions from cloud notifications and advertisements can now be stopped.
  5. Views clouded by commercial rankings and recommendations can now be cleared.
  6. Activities in the interest of users instead of cloud can now be performed.
  7. Income from processing and data that were captured by the cloud can now be received.

Private Cyberspace has More Than 40 Advantages over Cloud Platforms.

The massive injection of compute power into the whole population improves every aspect of modern life from personal dignity (how you value yourself and how others value you) to national security (wars are won by the industries at the back as much as on the battlefields at the front).

Different Cloud Types

  • Dominant Cloud e.g. Apple, Google, Facebook etc. uses your data and compute resources to control your digital life directly themselves and increasingly letting others control your life as well.

  • Scam Cloud e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. is a type of Centralised Cloud that pretend to be decentralised when in fact they are not - it still controls you and let others control you like a centralised cloud.

  • Corporate Cloud e.g. Paypal, Resmed etc. is a type of Centralised Cloud that operates at a smaller scale.They are exploitive businesses that share your data or lock up your data, just like bigger centralised clouds.

  • Not Cloud e.g. Vultr, OVH etc. is a business that uses the word "Cloud" in its marketing but it is NOT really a Cloud Platform. It provides non-application specific compute hosting services WITHOUT processing your data for you.

Skill Barrier

No Skill Barrier

Everyone, no matter their skill (from children to retirees), can customise their private cyberspaces by swapping application modules like playing with toy bricks.

How often have you read on the second page of search results?

Control your worldview by deciding what results should be on that first search page.

Since you own the compute in your Private Cyberspace, you can collect, process and distribute data under your own algorithms instead of cloud algorithms.

Discover a new you by storing and analysing ALL your data, not matter how private or trivial, without any cloud or government restrictions e.g privacy laws do not apply.

Personalise your Private Cyberspace by mixing and matching Citizen Modules like toy bricks - NO technical skill required.

Keep swapping modules until you are happy - not everyone knows how to cook but EVERYONE knows what tastes good!

Cloud Compute

If you're not paying for something,
you're not the customer,
you're the product being sold.

Andrew Lewis

1. What is "the Cloud" ?

The word “Cloud” is just a marketing term that can mean whatever the person trying to sell something wants it to mean, as articulated by Larry Ellison below.

Here we will define Cloud Platform (the "Cloud") as services that uses their compute power to enslave you instead of empower you.

In exchange for performing compute on your data, Cloud Platforms take away your control of your digital life and the value of your data assets.

Cloud Platforms control your behaviours and use your resources (e.g. Google using your data and Apple using your device without permission nor compensation in order to make money for themselves), building up their assets at your expense, increasing THEIR power and value while reducing YOURS.

2. Cloud Security

Cloud services use your data and compute resources to control your digital life themselves and increasingly letting others control your life as well.

Facebook, Google etc. are well known Cloud services that profit from the data (e.g. locations, social networks etc.) you have built up under their domains to increase their profits e.g. to lock you into their platforms and to sell your data to buyers so they can influence your behaviour.

Data Ownership

Although Grey Cloud Platforms do provide useful services to the public, their disadvantages are substantial (see image below), before Private Cyberspaces there was no competition so they just keep growing ... until they dominate every aspect of our lives.

You have lost control of your data ... you see a world presented by the Cloud, you communicate with people suggested by the Cloud, you develop using Cloud tools, you interact through Cloud interfaces ... you are living your life by Cloud rules.

Free Service Delusion

Cloud companies do NOT become massively profitable by providing free services. They take something of value from you (your DATA) and create something of even more value (CONTROL of you) for themselves.

Distorting World Views

Whether you are using the Cloud for your searches or your videos, you are using THEIR algorithms (they decide what to tell you about the world, what data about you to sell to who, when to insert which advertisement into your view etc.), that is, they control your information environment and thus they also control your life.

Having someone who controls a large part of your life acting against your interests is a problem.

But it is not just the "personalised" video recommendations and search ranking that distort your world view, it is also the constant notifications that interrupts your ability to look further or think deeply.

That repeating of same short sharp messages and preventing you from further investigations, can promote believes and behaviours that are NOT in your interest.

For example, preventing the determination of whether something is is "a need" or "a want" and whether some action is "right" or "wrong".

SOLVED: Private Cyberspace uses algorithms that you select and can change at any time. Whether it is search ranking, video recommendations or instant notifications, you are in control.

2.2. Acting with Impunity

It is difficult to find organisations that do NOT act against the interest of its users, even innocent weather channels have problems.

The Clouds can PROMISE all they want in their usage terms and conditions, but they can also DO whatever they want anyway, since they have your data on their infrastructure.

For example, even if you are technical enough to tell Google to explicitly NOT to track you, it stills tracks you anyway against your explicit instruction. Basically, information about you is collected by Google continuously in their interests not yours.

The fines for wrong doings are small compared to the profits being made, there is no reason for Clouds reduce their income voluntarily in the interest of their users.

SOLVED: Private Cyberspace aligns with your interests (instead of Cloud's interests), there is no rule, term nor condition for you, you do whatever is best for you with your data.

2.3. Holding Data Ransom

The above are bad behaviours that the Clouds do not tell you, but even if the Clouds DO tell you about bad things they are going to do to you, what can you do ?

For example, Twitter has disabled some of your ability to control your privacy. But you are not going to uninstall the Twitter app because of such a small thing, are you? And all future changes are probably "small" things too!

The problem is you gave them your data to build their information assets BEFORE these new changes, now those data are locked in.

Giving Clouds your data is easy but exporting or deleting your data ?
What about your social network that you have exposed and donated to the Cloud, so it can control your friends too ? You are probably going to miss that ?

SOLVED: All data are stored in your Private Cyberspace, giving you exclusive access to every bit of data you have collected and every piece of message you have received, only you can decide on when, what, how and who to share them with.

2.4. No Home Privacy

The security problems with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant are well known.

The situation is getting worse everyday as more "smart" devices are deployed inside of homes, these vulnerable devices (from speakers to cameras to teddy bears) are massive security risks - as they are now making connections to the Cloud "internally" from your local network, your home broadband router is no longer effective in blocking these what really in fact are "external" connections.

So beside seeing and influencing your external world view, with the help of these home devices the Cloud can now see into your local network (which were previously off-limits to scanners and web crawlers). Most of these devices will not even work without an internet connection back to the Cloud - so data from your most private space is now shipped all over the world 24x7.

SOLVED: Private Cyberspace keeps activities in your physical home space private, by locking all of them up (from voice commands to room temperatures to security videos) for your exclusive use.

2.5. Artificial Intelligence Safety

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies like Amazon Alexa telling a kid to short an electrical wall outlet is dangerous enough but what about the USA using AI to pick targets to kill instead of just destroying targets humans picked?

The ironic thing is governments do NOT need to install cameras everywhere, when citizens are exposing themselves freely on Instagram, that database has became useful for in identifying enemy soldiers in Ukraine.

SOLVED: With Private Cyberspace both the data and the AI software remain within the control of the owner. From scanning your friends' faces in photos to the voice command you said yesterday, all data inputs and resulting outputs are exclusively yours.

2.6. Exploiting Public Infrastructures

Concentration of the Internet's data processing and storage in these Clouds means the broadband networks funded by EVERYONE is now being used to benefit just a FEW . . . what's worse . . . those public infrastructures are being use to control the citizens that paid for them.

Taxpayers funded a lot of the Internet infrastructure in a country, yet the traditional point to point model has now been replaced with a hub and spoke model. One of the most valuable resources of a country that was built up over decades has become an extension for the Clouds.

The better the citizens build their broadband, the more data the Cloud collects, the more it controls the citizens' lives. The broadband is used to monitor and influence them (e.g. search results, buying habits, meeting people etc.) based on the Cloud's algorithms and the Cloud's interests.

SOLVED: Private Cyberspace communicates with each other directly, ensuring that infrastructure investments in an area benefits the locally population fully instead of some corporations thousands of kilometres away.

2.7. Limitations of Regulations

The difference in nature between government (establishing boundaries) and technology (breaking boundaries) makes them strange bedfellows.

  1. Restricted Processing
    While initiatives like European Union's General Data Protection Regulation are great, the restriction of the Cloud in handling citizen data can reduce the value of those data by preventing innovative and useful computation to be performed on them.
    SOLVED: Instead of restricting what the Cloud can or cannot do to citizen data, may be the governments should also be encouraging the citizens to do more with their own data themselves?

  2. Wasted Data
    Law that prevent Clouds keeping data, if followed, can prevent
    Instead of removing the data after they have already gone into the Cloud as promoted by the right to be forgotten, what about not giving so much data to the Cloud in the first place ?

  3. Slow Response
    Making laws to regulate technology is. too slow, by the time the government realised that their local industries (e.g. taxi, software etc.) have been negatively affected, market dominance has already been established.

  4. Little Understanding
    From AI to blockchain, technologies can be complex making it difficult for law makers to understand their future impact and implications.

  5. Disadvantage the Small
    Law is a very blunt tool that can stifle innovation, regulations most often make it too expensive for small players to comply yet cost the big players almost nothing to follow (assuming the lobbyists of the big players have not watered down the laws in the favour in the first place).

3.3. Internet User to Owner restores INTERNET to its original distributed power structure and then turn PASSIVE users of information services on the internet into ACTIVE owners of information assets by helping them create their own Private Cyberspaces.

With ONE CLICK on their mobile phones, INDIVIDUALS gain control and ownership of their digital life by managing their information assets without going through third parties. Each private cyberspace zone contains the individual's OWN applications (providing services similar to Facebook, Tencent etc.).


Expanding the power of many (the citizens) is much more productive then restricting the power of the few (the cloud) - that is what Private Cyberspace computing about:

  1. Enabling everyone to create their own Private Cyberspaces, irrespective of their wealth and skills.
  2. Encouraging Private Cyberspaces to work together to solve the toughest problems facing humankind.

Compute Ownership Movement

Yes, it sound crazy, but it is true! Private Cyberspaces can work with and benefit Cloud Platforms!

Just not in more equitable way instead of the dominating ways that Cloud Platforms are used to.

Work WITH your data sources instead of CONTROL them! Tap into their unlimited resources and capabilities with crowd-owned computing instead of just crowd-sourcing data from them.

Private Cyberspaces are NOT going to destroy Cloud Platforms overnight. They are just the next stage of mass computing for humans.

Imagine the ability to analyse and add value to the most personal data (without violating privacy).
Imagine the ability to use excess compute and energy around the world (without building data centres).
There is still a window of opportunity for existing Cloud Platforms to evolve into directory coordinators, application providers, infrastructure suppliers before explosion of focused offerings within each realm from new start-ups.

Corporate Clouds

White Clouds are companies that COLLECTS your data for internal user, they might use it to provide services to you or they might use your data to influence you. Despite not releasing your data to external parties for profit, they do get hacked very often.

Although Paypal discloses who the third parties they are sharing your data with, there is no information how those numerous parties are using your information.

Privacy Policy Dellusion

You need to understand that Privacy Policy of any company is to protect the company NOT to protect its customers.

Most of these privacy policy start by saying in a lengthy manner how important your privacy is to them and then somewhere in the middle quickly tell you how they can use you information in ways you don't know without you consent - that is they are doing the exactly the opposite of what they said in the beginning of the policy.

Who has the time to look up the legal jargons or read through the whole document ?

Loyalty Point Programs

Loyalty programs that analyse or sell your data are also Corporate Clouds, you have no control of what they are doing with your data (e.g. using your data to influence you) and you lose out on potential income from the data they have gathered.

Not Clouds

Providers of application INDEPENDENT compute power (like virtual machines e.g. Vultr, AWS etc.) are NOT Clouds, as they do NOT dictate what software you can run of their machines and they do not access your data as part of their business model.

We call these providers Hosters, as they host computers remotely for their customers. Hosters plays an important part within the Citizen Ecosystem.

A few online services like Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap are not, but most are.

Compute User vs Compute Owner

Ownership changes Everything

The benefits of owning your compute (instead of using cloud compute), are similar to the benefits of owning your home (instead of staying in a hotel) and owning your car (instead of taking a public bus).

50+ Advantages of Compute Ownership

1. Access you define cloud define
2. Aggregation billions dozens
3. Algorithm you developed cloud developed
4. Artificial Intelligence your model cloud model
5. Asset your asset cloud asset
6. Attention controlled interruptions constant interruptions
7. Benefits mostly to you mostly to platform
8. Broadband more return on investment less return on investment
9. Clarity facts influencers
10. Collaboration directly by you only through platform
11. Completeness all data legally allowed
12. Contacts you know platform knows
13. Control totally exclusive almost none
14. Cost collaborative infrastructure centralised infrastructure
15. Customisation personal wants platform wants
16. Death your beneficiaries unknown beneficiaries
17. Encryption you encrypt platform encrypts
18. Evidence you collect platform collect
19. Hardware cheap devices expensive devices
20. Impact your interest platform interest
21. Income mutual reward algorithm reward
22. Independence your rules platform rules
23. Innovation swappable processes fixed processes
24. Interaction you manage platform manage
25. Law
26. Leadership easy to lead easy to follow
27. Name your aliases account name
28. Options no limit cloud limited
29. Payment your log platform log
30. Privacy processed data raw data
31. Profit your compute your data
32. Principle your own platform directors
33. Productivity globally optimised locally optimised
34. Reach whole world service only
35. Redundancy massive limited
36. Reliability many parties one party
37. Reputation you decide platform decides
38. Resource reclaim latent resources waste precious resources
39. Restriction country laws cloud terms
40. Reward value based reward platform based reward
41. Rules mutual agreement platform dictate
42. Safety your boundaries platform boundaries
43. Security trusted interaction supervised interaction
44. Speed
45. Skill mix and match nodes application programming interfaces
46. Software Node Set App Store
47. Sovereignty local laws overseas laws
48. Trust distributed attestation central attestation
49. Usability your interface platform interface
50. Value Add your way platform's way
51. Wastage all data partial data
52. Worldview you control platform controls

As can be seen above, Compute Ownership improves all aspects of your digital life - substantially. Whatever you do, you can do it better when you own the compute processing your data.

Access Advantage

Define who has access to what data yourself, instead of letting cloud platforms use it in ways you have not approved or sell it to people you don't know.

How much has Apple paid you to use your phone, your bandwidth, your battery power, your LOCATION at that time to help find an Airtag belonging to some stranger ?

Artificial Intelligence Advantage

Attention Advantage

Decide for yourself what, who, when, how to pay your attention.

Benefits Advantage

Contacts Advantage

Control Advantage

  • cloud platforms controls almost every aspect of their users' lives

Private Cyberspace turns the existing Cloud Control Flow UPSIDE DOWN, by letting the user control application through infrastructure.


Cost Advantage

Economies of Scale

Making Private Cyberspace affordable and attractive to all 8 billion on earth requires a PARADIGM SHIFT in economies of scale:

  • from achieving economies of scale through Centralisation (cloud platforms growing as many users as possible). It is about a few planning what might be efficient FOR OTHERS in the future.
  • into achieving economies of scale through Collaboration (private cyberspaces working together as much as possible). It is about many deciding what is efficient FOR THEMSELVES in real-time.

Private Cyberspace removes the COST barrier to RELIABLE infrastructure by leveraging community idle capacities (e.g. unused disks, bored retirees), reusing broken devices (e.g. laptops with faulty screens & keyboards) and taking over data income from the Cloud.

  • Cloud Platform lowers cost by SHARING platform resources between many platform users.
  • Private Cyberspace lowers cost by AGGREGATING the resources of many cyberspace owners.

Currently most people can only collaborate via cloud platforms, with private cyberspace everyone can collaborate directly and benefit from network effects that were only available cloud platforms before.

Digital Equity

Private Cyberspace removes the COST barrier by leveraging community idle capacities (e.g. unused disks, bored retirees), reusing broken devices (e.g. laptops with faulty screens & keyboards) and taking over data income from the Cloud.

Private Cyberspace removes the COST barrier to private cyberspace ownership by aggregating surplus resources from others and taking over data income from the Cloud. Everyone now have RELIABLE infrastructure to operate at any scale, no matter their wealth.

Customisation Advantage

Death Advantage

Encryption Advantage

Impact Advantage

  • Cloud Platforms make impacts based solely on the platform's interests (e.g. valuation or profit).
  • Private Cyberspaces can make impacts based on their owners' many different interests..

Income Advantage

  • Cloud Platform rewards its user based on proprietary platform ALGORITHMS.
  • Private Cyberspace rewards its owners based on MUTUALLY perceived value.

Data Safety

A major dilemma with selling your data is the lack of privacy, the more data you sell the less privacy you have. So your data income was essentially limited by how much privacy you are willing to lose.

Private Dataspace solves this income dilemma by letting you sell your data without losing your privacy with the world's first deployment of homomorphic encryption at population scale.


Private Dataspace uses a novel 2 step data exchange process to not just protect owner privacy but also to ensure maximum return on owner data.


If someone uses your personal data and infrastructure built with your tax dollars to generate massive profits from their AI models, may be they should give you some money in return ?

Instead of money, now that you have you own Private Cyberspace with compute power, may be they can:

  1. Let your cyberspace run the software performing the inferencing and training with your data ?
  2. Let you cyberspace use the resulting models that were trained with your data ?
  3. Let your cyberspace access other data they were used with along with your data in training their model ?

Once you have collected some data into your own private cyberspace, you can OPTIONALLY work other cyberspaces in a safe and synergistic manner to solve the most difficult problems facing humankind.

For example, currently you can earn bronze y20coins anonymously (e.g. for helping to locate COVID virus down to meters and cut its legs off within minutes by notifying others).

From the wifi signals on the street to the barcodes on a bottle of milk, you can donate or sell the the data you have collected in your Private Cyberspace immediately on collection or on a later date.

Selling DATA in your Private Cyberspace redirects the funds originally going to the Cloud Platforms to you, however Private Cyberspace also let you sell INSIGHTS by processing your data yourself and then selling the resulting insight, which is substantially safer than exposing your data to others.


You can also use your Private Cyberspace to receive data anonymously, from a pothole on the road in front to an active shooter in the building, from an ambulance coming up behind you to proving you are somewhere else at a certain time in courts ... the possibilities are endless.

Independence Advantage

Innovation Advantage

Innovation sets Human Intelligence apart from Artificial Intelligence, innovation needs compute and data to thrive, restricting the compute and data to dozens of companies worldwide is directly restricting the ability of the rest of us to innovate.

No matter how smart the staff are at the Cloud Platforms (Apple, Google, Open AI etc.), the diversity introduced through the participation of the rest of the world will result in MORE and BETTER innovations.

Most importantly, those innovations will be carried out under the DIRECTIONS of billions of citizens instead of dozens of board members.

Private Cyberspace provides instant compute power to MANY so their digital lives are no longer dependent on the compute power from a FEW (e.g. Apple, Google, ChatGPT etc.).

Compute Ownership lets you innovate WITHOUT technical skills, by mixing and matching Compute Assets like playing with toy bricks.