
In line with Infinite Disk's end to end encryption principle, it automatically encrypts all Private Storage,. However manual encryption might be required in some situations e.g. for certain files in Community Storage.

encrypt.infinitedisk.com enables manual file encryption to be performed offline locally within the browser ensuring that no one but you have access to the password or private key used.


Current Infinite Disk manual file encryption is based on Hat.sh.

Hat.sh supports BOTH passwords or keys, but the use of password is discouraged.

1. Encryption

A file can be encrypted with either Password or Keys.

1.1. Encrypt with Shared Password

  1. Navigate to the Encryption panel.
  2. Drag & Drop or Select the files that you wish to encrypt.
  3. Enter a password or generate one.
  4. Download the encrypted file.

1.1. Encrypt with their Public Key and your Private Key

  1. Navigate to the Encryption panel.
  2. Drag & Drop or Select the files that you wish to encrypt.
  3. Choose public key method.
  4. Enter or load recipient's public key and your private key. if you don't have public and private keys you can generate a key pair.
  5. Download the encrypted file.
  6. Share your public key with the recipient so he will be able to decrypt the file.

2. Decryption

A file can be decrypted with either Password or Keys.

2.1. Decrypt with Shared Password

  1. Navigate to the Decryption panel.
  2. Drag & Drop or Select the files that you wish to decrypt.
  3. Enter the encryption password.
  4. Download the decrypted file.

2.2. Decrypt with their Public and your Private Key

  1. Navigate to the Decryption panel.
  2. Drag & Drop or Select the files that you wish to decrypt.
  3. Enter or load sender's public key and your private key.
  4. Download the decrypted file.

3. Technical Information

Using libsodium library for cryptographic functions.

  1. X25519 - for key exchange.
  2. XChaCha20-Poly1305 - for symmetric encryption.
  3. Argon2id - for password-based key derivation.