English Output

JSON Conversion

Citizen Timeline is based on JSON, some applications cannot handle JSON directly (e.g. some Large Language Model software, so we are in the process of developing a convertor between JSON and English.

Sample Input

json_data = '''
  "name": "John Doe",
  "age": 30,
  "address": {
    "street": "123 Main St",
    "city": "Anytown",
    "state": "CA"
  "phone_numbers": [
  "email": "john.doe@example.com"

Without Numbering

import json

def json_to_text(json_obj, indent=0):
    text = ""
    indent_text = "  " * indent
    for key, value in json_obj.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            text += f"{indent_text}{key.capitalize()} contains:\n"
            text += json_to_text(value, indent + 1)
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            text += f"{indent_text}{key.capitalize()} are:\n"
            for item in value:
                if isinstance(item, dict):
                    text += json_to_text(item, indent + 1)
                    text += f"{indent_text}  {item}\n"
            text += f"{indent_text}{key.capitalize()} is {value}\n"
    return text

Sample Output

Name is John Doe
Age is 30
Address contains:
  Street is 123 Main St
  City is Anytown
  State is CA
Phone_numbers are:
Email is john.doe@example.com

With Numbering

import json

def json_to_text(json_obj, indent=0, prefix=""):
    text = ""
    indent_text = "  " * indent
    counter = 1
    for key, value in json_obj.items():
        current_prefix = f"{prefix}{counter}."
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            text += f"{indent_text}{current_prefix} {key.capitalize()} contains:\n"
            text += json_to_text(value, indent + 1, f"{current_prefix}.")
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            text += f"{indent_text}{current_prefix} {key.capitalize()} are:\n"
            for i, item in enumerate(value, 1):
                item_prefix = f"{current_prefix}{i}."
                if isinstance(item, dict):
                    text += json_to_text(item, indent + 1, item_prefix)
                    text += f"{indent_text}  {item_prefix} {item}\n"
            text += f"{indent_text}{current_prefix} {key.capitalize()} is {value}\n"
        counter += 1
    return text

Sample Output

1. Name is John Doe
2. Age is 30
3. Address contains:
  3.1. Street is 123 Main St
  3.2. City is Anytown
  3.3. State is CA
4. Phone_numbers are:
  4.1. 123-456-7890
  4.2. 987-654-3210
5. Email is john.doe@example.com