Entity Agent

AI Ownership


An unique advantage of being a Compute Owners (instead of a Compute Users) is the ability to exclusively control and benefit from the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies.

For the first time, applications are being controlled by users instead of developers. Users ACTIVELY customise the applications to their own requirements instead of PASSIVELY submitting data to be processed in ways dictated the developers.

What sets Application Entities apart from Application Store:

  1. Trust
  2. Completeness
  3. Security

Everyone (from children to retirees) can take the CONTROL of their digital lives back from cloud platforms and easily customise their private cyberspaces by simply swapping applications like playing with toy bricks.

Partition AI enables you to benefit from power of AI directly but controlling the data it needs to learn and the interfaces it need to interact with the physical world.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is only dangerous because of the concentration of compute ownership. AI's huge demand for compute exacerbates the power imbalance between compute owners (Cloud) and users (you).

Private Cyberspace's Partition AI synergy gives you control of AI by breaking up dozens of Cloud owned AI platforms into billions of Citizen owned modules.

Voice can be used when the touch screen interface is inadequate (e.g. poor dexterity, when driving etc.).

Default resources are different depending on individual entities.

Public Entities

Minimum demonstration resources available

Storage Limit Community Volume Community Duration Personal Volume Personal Duration Home Volume Home Duration
File 100 MByte 30 days 1000 MByte 600 days Unlimited Unlimited
Email 100 MByte 30 days 1000 MByte 600 days Unlimited Unlimited
Track 50K points 30 days 100K points 60 days Unlimited Unlimited

Phone Agent

  1. Dynamic Alias
  • Citizen Number
  • Fuzzy Block

Smart automation performs work on behave of the Compute Owner.


Zero Waste

Entity Agent promotes zero-waste in every aspect of modern life using ubiquitous sensors and abundant compute.

Not everyone has the capability to design a working fusion reactor or improve the hydrogen fuel cell but EVERYONE has the ability to reduce waste.

it is not just about performing computing with zero-waste, it is also about enabling zero-waste in every aspect of life using abundant compute. Not everyone has the capability to design a working fusion reactor or improve the hydrogen cell but everyone the ability to reduce waste and do so on a massive scale through citizen synergy.

Compute Battery revolutionises energy "storage" by transferring compute around the world securely in realtime in order to make use of any excess energy.

Latent compute resources e.g. unused disk space, idle night bandwidth, excess midday solar, unemployed youths, bored retirees, old laptops,
inactive phone sensors, unanalysed daily activities etc.

Latent Resource

Latent compute power (e.g. unused storage on disks, idle bandwidth at night, midday solar power, neighbour wifi signals, bored retirees etc.) to build their Compute Assets easily.

enables you to fund your compute with your data and attention in a safe way.

gives you compute income ownership, so you have exclusive control of your data and build valuable assets from them.

Compute Income

Cloud Services earn massive profits with your data, so can you!

Instead of funding Cloud Compute with your data and attention, you can now fund your Own Compute with them.

Compute Income enables you to build profitable ASSETS safely, with privacy protection, by trading infrastructure modules with other compute owners.

enables you to fund your compute with your data and attention in a safe way.

gives you compute income ownership, so you have exclusive control of your data and build valuable assets from them.

  • Sell Insight Not Data
  • Sell Priority Not Attention

Grow your Compute Assets by innovating with Community Clusters.

Community Clusters transfer the CONTROL of your data from Cloud Bottleneck back to you.

Not everyone is a good cook, but everyone knows good food.

Innovate EASILY without technical skills, by mixing and matching Community Clusters like playing with toy bricks.

TRUST barriers between compute owners are removed to enable rapid limitless online collaboration.