Home Station

Home Compute Station

Home Compute Station (also referred to as "Home Station" or just "HS") provides PRIVATE compute power to individuals.

Minimum Hardware Specification

Whether buying new or repurposing old computers, the following are the minimum hardware specifications for a Home Station:

  • Processor: 64-bit
  • Memory: 1 GBytes
  • Disk: 64 GBytes
  • USB: 1 x USB 2.0
  • WiFi: 802.11n
  • Bluetooth: 4.2

Note only x86-64 and ARM64 hardware are currently supported.

Minimum Software Specification

Home Station are tried as a single Disposable Nodes under the Compute Asset paradigm, currently supported operating systems are:

Reference Designs

There are millions of single board computers out there gathering dust - repurpose them into Home Stations!

For those who want to have a more turnkey experience, we have 2 reference designs available to give away or to be purchased:

  1. Orange Pi Zero 3 running Armbian (HS24a)
  2. Raspberry Pi 4B running Raspberry Pi OS (HS24b)

HS24a is a low-end Home Station for early Citizen Startups that do NOT have much resources.