Location OpenStreetMap API Service

OpenStreetMap API

88.io OpenStreetMap data comes from the official openstreetmap.org data, so our the API is expected to return the same results.

Reason we are providing National OpenStreetMap API servers:

  1. We would like to help take load off currently free public API servers.
  2. There is currently no free Overpass API compatible OpenStreetMap data servers outside Europe (except one in Taiwan).
  3. We believe in distributed servers -.for redundancy, performance and independence.
  4. We have plans for new privacy features (e.g. random handling of traffic, hiding of ip addresses etc.).

National API Servers

Currently the following National API Servers are available with PER MINUTE update from the source OpenStreetMap servers in Europe:

  1. Australia aus.mapapi.88.io
  2. Canada can.mapapi.88.io
  3. New Zealand nzl.mapapi.88.io
  4. United Kingdom gbr.mapapi.88.io
  5. United States usa.mapapi.88.io

No Direct Editing

These servers contains the WHOLE data set for each country, they are not proxies or caching servers.

Unlike Community Map Servers (e.g. map.contacttrace.com.au) which has an editable Local layer on top, you CANNOT edit the data directly on these servers.

You CAN edit the data on the official openstreetmap.org servers and then you will see your data on these National OpenStreetMap API Servers.

Alternative Openstreetmap API Servers

You can use any Overpass API compatible servers you like for your OpenStreetMap data.

Build Your Own

You can even build your own with ready made docker containers:

Free Public Services

There is a list of FREE Overpass API servers here: