Your Own Search Engine

The search engine you use plays a large part in shaping:

  • your views about yourself
  • your views of the world

To live an independent digital life, you must take control of it back from Cloud Services (like Google).

source: Chaz Hutton

200+ Engines

Your entity agent can aggregate search results from 200+ search engines (including Google's results)
searxng supports .

Unlimited Insights

One of the most powerful capability of your Entity Agent is enabling it to give you unprecedented insights by letting you perform searches on your most private, most detailed, most complete personal data.

Result Ranking

As a Compute Asset owner, YOU can control how search results from different search engines should rank.

1. Source Code

From the source code, you can see (and optionally change) exactly what searxng is doing

def result_score(result, priority):
    weight = 1.0

    for result_engine in result['engines']:
        if hasattr(engines[result_engine], 'weight'):
            weight *= float(engines[result_engine].weight)

    weight *= len(result['positions'])
    score = 0

    for position in result['positions']:
        if priority == 'low':
        if priority == 'high':
            score += weight
            score += weight / position

    return score

source: searxng

For each engine that contains the same result - multiplying the weights of them together (if engine is undefined then its default weight is set to 1.0).

For each position
sum((occurences * weight) / position for position in result['positions'])

2. Check Results

You can see the scores and positions of every result if you use JSON output format:
e.g. curl '' | jq