
Metro Centre II

1. Details

  1. Venue Entity

  2. English Name:
    Metro Centre II

  3. Chinese Name:

  4. Address:
    21 Lam Hing St, Kowloon Bay,
    Kwun Tong District,
    Kowloon, Hong Kong

2. Google Map


  1. Google Map does NOT show the building name "Metro Centre II" at this zoom level (in fact it does not show the building name for ANY zoom level) yet it shows other building names. Have you tried telling Google to change their maps ? Have Fun!

  2. Google Map does NOT have the correct outline of the Metro Centre II building and does NOT show the light well in the middle of the building.

3. Marker Map

Marker Map is based on the public OpenStreetMap thus can be substantially more accurate in a lot of cases.

Notice that our map has the correct building outline and even shows the light well in the middle of the building.

Above is the low resolution Imagery view from the Marker Map at marker.aunsw.88.io server (set up your own marker.cnhk.88.io server to get low resolution Imagery view).

If you found any inaccuracy in the map, you can correct it YOURSELF ... Yes, anyone with an internet connection can correct OpenStreetMap!

Level 16 - Metro Centre II


1. Details

  1. Venue Entity

  2. English Name:
    Level 16, Metro Centre II

Note, level 16 in decimal is 10 in hexadecimal. So the venue entity for level 16 in Metro Centre II is v_10_phsuj8oi3qdu.

2. Photos

A raw photo taken of the evacuation plan at level 16

The Entity Photo of Level 16 is created from this photo by first cutting out irrelevant information:


And then the image is rotated to align with Northern direction and the areas outside is boundary in the image are made transparent.


The whole process of putting a Level Entity online (including taking the initial photo) only takes a few minutes.