Community Alias

In order to send fuzzy data anonymously, a Community Alias is required.

Requirement: Area Alias

To upgrade to a Community Alias:

  1. Open Chrome on Android or Safari on iOS and go to,click on the app_menu button located at the top left hand corner, then click on Dynamic Alias -> Alias List -> Alias Management -> Create Alias -> Enter the Phone Number and then click on the will_call_now button which will turn to 60_seconds_left
    NOTE: Do not close this window. If closed, the steps will need to be repeated.

  2. Within 60 seconds, ring +61 138813 or +61499 311 111 from the phone number entered and if successful, a "Phone number verified" message will be played.

  3. Return to the Alias Creation Form window and a pop-up window of ok:verified will be displayed. Close this pop-up window and click on thecreate_button button and follow the prompt.

  1. The Community Alias is ready when the "Wallet creation completed" message is displayed.

Multiple Aliases

To see the list of all aliases created, open Chrome on Android or Safari on iOS and go to,click on the app_menu button located at the top left hand corner, then click on Dynamic Alias -> Alias List -> Alias Management .

Clicking the Community in the Type column will allow users to save the alias. This alias can be imported back if needed by clicking on the Import Alias button.

Create Community Alias

You can create many different Community Alias for yourself on your Personal Console using the Alias Creation Form (the Form).

1. Alias Creation Form

  • Automatic
    When you do NOT have a Community Alias loaded in your Personal Console when accessing any Community Alias features, the Form will pop-up AUTOMATICALLY.

  • Manual
    You can also access the Form MANUALLY by clicking on the Circle Menu Button (located at the top-left corner of your Personal Console) and then select Dynamic Alias then Alias Management then Create Alias.

2. Identification

Once the Form appears, you will need to fill in the input fields on that Form, before pressing the [Create] button at the bottom of the Form.

For creating a Community Alias under, your phone number is required. Other citizen ecosystems might require less or more identification information.

In all cases, your identification information are protected by Fuzzy Block technology.

3. Phone

Please enter you personal phone number in the Phone input box. The phone number must on a mobile phone that you have exclusive access to.

The phone number must in International format with the country code in front.

Country Sample Phone Number
Australia 61 411 111 111
China 86 131 1111 1111
United States of America 1 231 111 1111

4. Verify

For creating a Community Alias under, you can call phone number 138813 if you are in Australia or call international phone number +614 99331111 if you are overseas.

Calling +61 138813 might work from some phone networks outside of Australia.

5. PIN

Please enter a personal identification number of at least 8 digits.

5.1. Make it EASILY

PIN can derived from simple numbers that you already know well:

  • Birthday 1234-56-78 becomes 12567834, 56781234 etc.
    2024-03-18 becomes 20031824, 03182024

  • Year 1234 becomes 12341234, 12123434 etc.
    1997 becomes 19971997, 19199797

  • Street Number 12 becomes 12121212, 11112222
    38 becomes 38383838, 33338888

  • Use matching letter to digit on phone key pad
    A GOOD PIN becomes 24663746

5.2. Make it LONG

You can repeat the a number to make it longer e.g. take a number from above and repeat it to create a 16 digit PIN.

5.3. HIDE it well

Since the PIN is rare used, you are going to forget it. Store it in a secure place e.g. Write it down in a notebook with a lot of other numbers or store it in a LOCAL password manager.

Create some fake contacts in your address book and distribute the PIN amongst them e.g. in their phone number, street number, birthdays etc.

6. Wallet

A blockchain wallet will be created for the 2024au Interval Coin.

The Community Alias is ready when the "Wallet creation completed" message is displayed.

Community Applications

In the addition to the features and applications available only to Community Alias users, all Private Applications and Area Applications are also included for Community Alias users.

Alias List

Alias Details

  • Manage Label
    This is not available for Community Alias users.

  • Hub Info

  • Alias Keys
    For more information, please click here.

Needs to be updated

Alias Verification

Identity Verification

  • Phone Number - Call In
    By verifying the mobile number, the alias will be upgraded to the Personal Alias

  • Primary ISP - Browser Agent
    This is not available for Community Alias users.

  • Email Address - Mail Out
    Phone Number verification is required.

  • Charge Card - Credit Card
    Phone Number verification is required.

  • Identity Card - AU Medicare Card
    Credit Card verification is required.

  • Photo Card - AU Driver License
    Credit Card verification is required.

  • National Passport - AU Passport
    Credit Card verification is required.

Location Verification

  • Night Block
    This is to verify the current local block.

  • Day Block
    This is to verify the current global block.

  • Local ISP - Browser Fingerprint
    This is not available for Community Alias users.

  • Device Verification
    This function is no different to verifying the device when becoming an Area Alias user.

  • Residential Verification
    The result of a successful residential verification will be displayed here.

  • Commercial Verification
    This is not available for Community Alias users.

Check Verification

This feature allows users to check the verification authenticity against the session token. In the example below, the Basic Location is checked.

Types supported:

  • Phone
  • Basic Location
  • Browser
  • Credit Card
  • Day Block
  • Driver License
  • Email
  • Last ISP
  • Medicare
  • Night Block
  • Passport
  • Primary ISP
  • Residence
  • Region
  • Venue

Show Verification (TO BE UPDATED)

Types supported:

  • Phone
  • Browser
  • Credit Card
  • Driver License
  • Email
  • Medicare
  • Passport
  • Residence
  • Basic Location

Verification Log

If there are logs found, they will automatically be displayed. In the example below, 4 Basic Location logs are found.

Types supported:

  • Phone
  • Browser
  • Credit Card
  • Driver License
  • Email
  • Medicare
  • Passport
  • Residence
  • Basic Location

Alias Wallet

  • Silver Coin
    Credit Card verification required.

Anonymous Interaction

Alias Text

Alias Text allows users to send and receive messages to and from other users by using their Alias IDs and the optional Text Code.

If Text Code is used when sending the message, the receiver must also enter the same Text Code and the Sender's Alias in order to view the message received. Without the Text Code, the message will still be displayed but encrypted.

Alias Notification

This is not available for Community Alias users.

View Image

View Image allows an encrypted image from other users (aliases) to be viewed using a once-off shortlink. In the example below the shortlink is /bqofnnqtycdp/picture/shdb5zyk1qcq0m240913-gayrvsfyymjwpudagvrt.jpg which is placed in the Path field.

Citizen Timeline

Pin List

Please click here.

Government Area

  • Speed Limit Alert
    Being developed

  • Virtual Vaccine

    • Vaccination
      Share, store and list the vaccination types and dates.
    • Test
      Share, store and list the PCR and/or Rapid Antigen test and dates.
    • Quarantine
      Share, store and list the Quarantine Start Date and End Date.
    • Symptoms
      Share, store and list the Symptoms including the Start Date and the End Date.
    • Risks
      Display areas of Covid positive cases in the last 28 days.
    • Masks
      Share, store and list the types of Mask used.
    • Share
      Share the type of identity and fuzziness.
  • Venue Permission
    Being developed

Publish Pins

When ticked, the event will be submitted to the correspondent server location. In the example below, Status is ticked for Community

Every time a Status is submitted on, a post will be displayed on


This allows users to verify the authenticity of the signature by putting the first 40 characters of the srcsign. In the example below, the Status is checked against the srcsign which is

Infinite Disk

Client Encryption

Data Vault

The first step is to create an account by clicking on the Create Account link at the bottom.

Enter the blank fields and click on Submit button. The email address is located at Area Entity -> Team Compute -> Team A -> Application

Once completed, the web site will return to Enter the email address and the Master password and click on the Log In button.

File Transfer (to be updated)

File Encryption

Manual file encryption that can be performed offline locally within the browser ensuring that no one but you have access to the password or private key used.

A file can be encrypted or decrypted with either Password or Keys.

Please click here for more details.

File Download

Server Encryption

S3 Storage (to be updated)

SMB Storage (to be updated)

SFTP Storage (to be updated)

WebDAV Storage (to be updated)

Area Entity

IP Location (to be updated)

IP Area Collection

There are 4 types of Area to Submit:

  • Region Area
  • Global Area
  • District Area
  • Local Area

There are 3 options for IP Type:

  • Mobile IP
  • Dynamic IP
  • Static IP

In the example below is the result when Region Area and Mobile IP are submitted

	"subject" : "#loc_iplocation",
	"pin" : "#pin_ljczjrywzxdfd11c7fzg27w5pfo6w0qurfaywcqu",
	"alias" : "#alias_jocwlxb94kzqkcnwvusw1dd1kg5deyatmak8gzze",
	"id" : "#id_220.233.67.8region",
	"blockid" : "#bi_6iquaqyjxhasmmm8pv87udg3dykzbgrjivs1v3wr",

	"srcname" : "",
	"srcarea" : "#a_0033880_151204",
	"srctime" : "#t_1739415600",
	"srctx" : "#tx_na1b4waopk517yuqtlh7jobt5djq0pmulp0s9rht",
	"srcsign" : "6Fv6CdT3WxQQf2SeQMAx-jY3fjkXhYd0nq91SY10KsB-1YADdApaotlmnVzBbogt8WPyLuSrS-9KlXX-s2N9Ag"

IP Region Correction

For Area Applications, please click here.