District Entity

District Entity

Community Cluster remove the COST barrier to private cyberspace ownership by aggregating surplus resources from others and taking over data income from the Cloud. Everyone now have RELIABLE infrastructure to operate at any scale, no matter their wealth.

Community Cluster is a citizen built distributed infrastructure that can span from the immediate neighbourhoods to remote towns across the world.

Community Cluster releases those untapped resources in the commuity e.g turn annoying wifi signals from your neighbours into an indoor geo-positioning system or use those wifi as backup links when you own internet link is down.

Low cost citizen contributed Storage Nodes across hundreds of sites has orders of magnitude better price performance than traditional data centres with expensive redundant power, cooling, network, security etc.

Under pinned by Citizen Synergy's breakthrough privacy and reward features, there is no limit of what a neighbourhood can achieve.

Community Cluster brings collaboration between neighbours to a whole new level, enabling them to build and operate basic infrastructure themselves. For example:

  1. Citizen communication infrastructure provides backup internet links, covers mobile signal black spots, enables "free" exchange of data (e.g. Infinite Disk).
  2. Citizen positioning infrastructure improves geo-positioning accuracy indoors with extra wifi beacons and outdoors with extra satellite stations.
  3. Citizen energy infrastructure (e.g. Water Pile) enables excess energy from wind and solar to be stored.

Community Cluster focuses on the collaboration between citizens in the cities while the Float Mesh focuses on the collaboration in the countrysides and on remote islands.

Release those untapped resources around your neighbourhood e.g turn annoying wifi signals from your neighbours into an indoor geo-positioning system or use those wifi as backup links when you own internet link is down.

Low cost citizen contributed disposable nodes across hundreds of sites can have orders of magnitude better price performance than traditional data centres with expensive redundant power, cooling, network, security etc.

From weather stations to drone recharge stations ... the possibilities are endless ...

A citizen contributed location to the Nearby Mesh infrastructure is called a Spot. These Community Cluster Spots are independently owned by individual citizens, they can choose to connect with and provide service to people and other Spots of their own choosing.

1.1. Legality

As crazy as it sounds, getting all the neighbours to work together building infrastructure for their common good might NOT be legal in some countries.

This is especially the case with telecommunications, so please check your local laws to make sure that you are creating an infrastructure in your neighbourhood that is legal e.g. by NOT providing a commercial service.

In Australia, we are lucky to have ‘exempt network’ under subsection 34 (3) of the Telecommunications Act 1997, so the owner of the exempt network is not required to hold a carrier license. However the network can only be used for NON-COMMERCIAL purpose.

With Nearby Mesh, there is really NO OWNER of any network, the whole infrastructure is dynamic. Everybody run their nodes (e.g. wireless hotspots) at any time they want, so not sure how laws in different countries deal with that.



District Workshop

Ability to create physical objects (especially with new designs) should be a fundamental capability of any community.

A Nearby Mesh of shared fabrication equipment scattered everywhere in the neighbourhood can encourage the community to consume less and produce more.

We have recently taken delivery of a laser cutter and will be installing in our Sydney office soon. It will be the start of a Neighbourhood Workshop that we hope to finish building over the next few months.


Why start with a laser cutter ?

Have you seen the case of the Raspberry Pi 4B we are trying to put into all your homes to run the Home Digital Hub ?

That is actually a kit you can buy from shop.oztralia.com, the thermal properties are great, but its looks ...

District Mesh

District School

School classroom provides a safe and ultra low-cost venue for holding community meetings.

Classroom Hiring Charges are typically very low: