Citizen Timeline

1. Introduction

Reusable - software defined so can change purpose and characteristics easily.

Replaceable - readily available and easily swappable.

Repairable - can be fixed and restore locally without involving manufacturer.

Shareable - reduce idle time and wasted capacity.

2. Kubernetes

Since Citizen Compute is about computing based on a lot of application containers (e.g. docker) working together, it is natural to compare it with kubernetes. As the word "docker" so dominant in the computing industry, we shall use that word to represent general "application container" technology.

The fundamentally Kubernetes is based on docker ORCHESTRATION by one party (normally Cloud services) while Citizen Compute is based on docker COLLABORATION between many parties (normally individual citizens). Kubernetes is about docker computing for millions of data USERS, while Citizen Compute is about docker computing for millions of data OWNERS.

Since they have different purposes, Kubernetes and Citizen Compute do not directly compete. When certain "citizens" have massive amount of data to be processed, Citizen Compute does support running of Kubernetes under it seamlessly. However, in a lot of use cases, Kubernetes's massive complexities and costs are not required.

Compute Stations owned by different people are designed to operate together as a team to provide large scale backend computing to the Personal Consoles frontend interface running on their mobile phones.

The aim is an flexible design that turns as many as computing devices into compute stations as possible. Giving people access to computing hardware that they have PHYSICAL CONTROL of and sort out their computing efficiency later - giving data ownership back to the people is the priority.

Compute Stations are computing hardware design to be operated by ANYONE independent of their skill and wealth.

Compute Stations are well define computing devices for hosting Disposable Nodes.

There are currently 4 types of compute stations:

  1. Home Station
  2. Satellite Station
  3. Campus Station
  4. Public Station

They allow you to distribute your information assets in locations that make the most sense.

1. Deployment

Although the 64-bit x86 computers are generally more powerful, an increasing number of ARM computers are also supported, as lower power and lower cost alternatives in a lot of use cases.

There are many ways to deploy Compute Stations, all you need is a physical or virtual machine that can run Ubuntu Server (20.04 or 22.04) - which means most computers on earth!

  1. Repurpose spare laptops or second hand desktop computers - Boot up using USB stick.
  2. Run inside existing Windows or macOS or Linux computers - Using Virtual Machines.
  3. Install on non Intel/AMD computers (from [Raspberry Pi to IBM Z Mainframe) - Using ISO Images.

Once you have got a newly installed Ubuntu Server online, you just need to download ONE publicly published script, run it and your Ubuntu will be come a Home Station. Yes, it is that simple.

2. Turnkey Systems

You can either build it yourself or have someone build it for you.

Fuzzy Block