Scam Proofed Blockchain

Decentralisation Scams

Most decentralised services (e.g. cryptocurrency, web3 etc.) are scams, they are not about decentralisation of power, they are about recentralisation of power - replacing the previous centre of power with themselves as the centre.

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Lord Acton

There is zero decentralisation of real power in most blockchain based services, from the price of the cryptocurrency to the way the decentralisation algorithm work, you have just as little control on them as you have on fiat currency or traditional cloud computing.

Cryptocurrency Scam

Cryptocurrencies trade on greed and ignorance, providing no useful services at all.

Despite their (Bitcoin, Ethereum etc.) claim to be decentralised, they are NOT. That deception fuelled by ignorance and greed is burning up the world's energy reserves and need to be stopped.

Despite their claims, public blockchains (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum) are neither trustless nor decentralised. Without the underpinning of those 2 fundamental properties, cryptocurrencies and dapps lose their original reasons for existent.

Fiduciary Exchange is based on blockchain's original distributed power structure and replaces greed and ignorance fuelled FAKE value and utility in current public blockchains with productivity and performance driven REAL values and utilities by providing truly decentralised blockchain based ledgers.

Cleaning up the deception based blockchain industry in two steps:

With Fiduciary Exchange, USERS are also OWNERS of the blockchains they use, they gain control of their online transactions by interacting directly with each other without going through existing public blockchains that are controlled by others e.g. bitcoin and ethereum.

1. Centralised Trust

From correct security (e.g. not being hacked) to correct profiting (e.g. no pump and dump) to correct allocation (e.g. their token) ... almost every important aspect of a blockchain is based on TRUSTING that its creator behaves properly as the power in centralised there. If the blockchain uses words like trustless, decentralised etc. then you know it is a big con.

DATA Concentrated Distributed Distributed
CONTROL Concentrated Concentrated Distributed

Proof of Work and Proof of Stake schemes ALL give those that ALREADY HAVE resources increasing control over those that HAVE NOT. Concentration of power allows many to be "played" by a few, the opposite to the "decentralised" benefit they are touting.

Blockchain developers claim that you no longer need a bank,
when in fact THEY want to be your bank.

You use their currencies, you follow their policies ... operation is centralised until there is a problem then the blame is decentralised.

Contrary to blockchain's original DISTRIBUTED ideal, in practice the control of current public blockchains is highly CONCENTRATED in almost every important aspect, from developers to miners to exchanges to so called whales.

Each becomes a building block of their own version of Bitcoin, Ethereum etc.

More references to massive blockchain deception driven by greed and ignorance can be found on the Big Con page.

2. Blockchain Components

Fiduciary Exchange is a complete computing stack with a much larger scope than Public Blockchains, but a very rough feature table may be useful for illustration purposes:

STORAGE Full Node Infinite Disk
PROCESSOR Crypto Miner Disposable Node
INTERFACE Crypto Exchange Personal Console

STORAGE - unlike public blockchains your data are NOT stored remotely inside so called "full nodes", they are stored on your personal devices (e.g. phones, laptops) and managed by your own Asset Cluster, so you can view, edit, move or sell your data at anytime.

PROCESSOR - unlike public blockchains the processor is NOT some anonymous miner half way around the world, it is selected by you on the Fiduciary Exchange and has verified identity and known physical location, you can use whoever you like to process your data. You know them but they don't know you.

INTERFACE - unlike public blockchains the interface is NOT on some remote exchange you have not control of, it is your own Entity Agent who is trained by you and lives on your personal devices (e.g. phones, laptops) which only you have full control and no one else have access to.

3. Blockchain based Compute

Bitcoin uses opcode scripts to process transactions and that design of running scripts on every node of the blockchain was expanded to OTHER applications in form of "smart contracts".

The idea was by replacing "flawed" humans with "smart" contracts on blockchains, these new "decentralised" applications will somehow be free of human influences - ignoring the fact that those "smart" contracts are were actually written and maintained by same flawed humans they are trying to replace.

Smart Contract developers claim that their software replace humans,
when in fact THEY are replacing other humans.

There are numerous problems like the efficiency of running the same script on every node worldwide, the ability to change a smart contract that has bugs, or whether there is any advantage over non smart contract techniques. But let's just focus on why "smart" contracts are dumb and "decentralised" applications are centralised.

3.1. Maximum Attack Surface

Standard protection mechanisms (like encryption, firewalls, locks on doors etc.) worked well and continue to work well because they LIMIT the attack surface. Decentralised applications exposing everything to everyone increases the attack surface to maximum possible - running counter to that fundamental rule.

Giving your data to someone give them power to abuse those data, letting someone process your data on your behalf give them power to abuse you. With dapps, you are giving both data and processing authority to EVERY node on the blockchain - thus subject your data and yourself to the maximum possibility of being abused.

3.2. Minimum Diversity

The so called "decentralised" applications actually ALL use just ONE centrally design scripting engine. Just ONE hack of that scripting engine and ALL apps on ALL nodes are affected.

There have been and will be centralised weaknesses, like front-running which cannot be fixed no matter how hard people tried.

There have been and will be centralised decisions that go against the fundamental reason for blockchain's existence, like changing the supposedly immutable worldwide ledger due to just ONE dapp.

3.3. Centralised Application

Centralisation of the blockchain and its script engine is just the start, the so called "decentralised" application running on those blockchains are also highly centralised.

Due to the high costs of running "smart" contracts on every node in the world, only a small part of a "decentralised" application is on the blockchain - the rest of the software are actually centrally controlled, so the promoted "decentralised" VALUE of these applications does not actually exist.

3.4. Dumb Contract

A contract cannot be called smart when it executes AGAINST the wishes of the people who drafted up the contract.

These contacts are not only dumb (blindly executing whatever they were told), they are also subjected to conflicting Interpretations just like paper based legal contracts e.g. disputes on whether their executions are illegal hacks or legal transfers.

No software can anticipate every possible operation scenarios, different people looking at the same piece of code can see different possibilities and even different purpose.

3.5. Poor Lineage

Even if Bitcoin has not degraded into a Big Con, retrofitting a single purpose APPLICATION into a general purpose computing PLATFORM is always going to be problematic.

The elegance of the original bitcoin design has been destroyed with numerous parties adding incompatible features e.g. cutting up integrated full node into parts, pushing through unintended volumes, adding privacy to public data, running unsupported applications etc.

Citizen Synergy has been designed from the ground up with novel asset zoning to be a TRUE decentralised computing platform.

. 1. Consensus
rich only
. 2. Blockchain
. 3. Provider
. 4. User
. 5. Data
selected few
. 6. Computation
selected few
. 7. Reward
fiat, crypto
. 8. Virtual
x86, arm
. 9. User


  1. Equitable consensus mechanism (proof of identity) means consensus is requried from everyone not just from the rich (proof of stake).
  2. On-demand creation of as many blockchains as needed (micro blockchains) means information processing and storage cannot be dominated by any party.
  3. Provider nodes must reveal their owner identity and physical location, as they should.
  4. User accounts are linked to different levels of identification for different applications with dynamic aliases.
  5. User has full control of how data is supplied using progressive fuzzifcation and homomophic encryption.
  6. User has full control of which nodes are to be used for processing with sovereign transactions and disposable nodes.
  7. User statistics are kept privatekly with each user which they can contribute optionally in an encryopted manner.

From fundamentals like proof of work and proof of stake though miners and exchanges up to smart contract and token prices, almost nothing is

Looking beyond the greed and ignorance fuelling public blockchains activities

By distributing the control of the online service to the users, Citizen Synergy prevents market manipulation, promotes innovation and adds unprecedented privacy and value to their data. The bank is still needed, but now you have control of that bank.

4. Blockchain based Storage

Blockchain based storages that claiming to be "decentralised" storage are mostly NOT decentralised and come with numerous blockchain related problems.

  1. Primary Single Point of Failure - themselves.
    If they are gone or hacked or faulty etc. your data is major in trouble.
    With Infinite Disk you have full control, the Storage Nodes you use can die a million times and you will NOT be affected.

  2. Secondary Single Point of Failure - their Cloud.
    A lot of them use others to store their data or their metadata so your data is in trouble if any of them has problem.
    With Infinite Disk you have direct access to the Storage Nodes, no extra layers of complexities there!

  3. Unsubstantiated Distribution - where?
    How many claim they cut your data up into many pieces and store them separately, yet these separate pieces are all within the SAME data centre.
    With Infinite Disk you know where the Storage Nodes are, from your parent's basement to some stranger within 10km radius.

  4. Useless Encryption - they encrypt for you.
    So not only can they decrypt your data at anytime without telling you, if they disappear or lost the key then you data is basically screwed.

  5. Complex Interface - s3 is not a disk
    Storing files in s3 only benefits the Amazon and its copy cats. It makes operating a remote storage at scale much easier, but also makes using that storage much harder.

5. Blockchain based Network

Blockchain based networks that claiming to be "decentralised" are actually NOT decentralised and come with numerous blockchain related problems.

For example, Helium claims to be people's network
To show what suckers are the people this is AFTER they have purchased hardware e.g. Helium took the power away from hotspots
As if the original one sided changes changes to Centrai