Citizen Ecosystem

No Cost Barrier

Community Cluster puts a community data center in EVERY HOME. Anyone (from refugees to billionaires) can scale out one's cyberspace affordably by selling compute and aggregating latent infrastructures worldwide.

Fuzzy Block uses blockchain technologies for production instead of speculation, replacing wasteful mining with productive processing. It is made up of citizen owned computing devices (like mobile phones and home computers) and is the ONLY truly distributed public blockchain in the world.

Public blockchains claims to be decentralised but they are not.

Multiple Company Structure

There are a number of advantages in building up the citizen ecosystem in your country with at least 2 companies - one is non-profit and one is for-profit.

Raspberry Pi

Use of a non-profit (Raspberry Pi Foundation) and a for-profit (Raspberry Pi Ltd)


Use of a non-profit (OpenAI Inc) and a for-profit (OpenAI Global)