Citizen Ecosystem

Collaborate NOT Regulate

Citizen Ecosystem improves group dynamics of any size (from 8 to 8 billion members) by making rules more efficient and resources more abundant.

1. More Efficient Rules

Citizen Ecosystem takes advantage of universal compute ownership to reduce the number of rules and improve the quality of rules.

1.1. Lesser Rules

While rules are fundamental in the operation of any group, they also have substantial limitations, especially in complex and rapidly changing environments.

With their own compute enforcing their personal rules and protecting their interests, compute owners can collaborate freely on-demand directly with each other without the need of external rules in most situations.

1.2. Better Rules

When rules cannot be avoided, Citizen Ecosystem provides the rule makers (e.g. politicians of a country, managers of a company etc.) with Truer Data, Deeper Insights and Wider Options than is currently possible through traditional compute bottlenecks.

Without Rules

to collaborate instantly on any common purpose in a trusted way reducing the need to continuously creating more rules to handle the ever increasing number of possibilities.

detailed and out-of-date rules.

, Citizen Ecosystem is built on the believe that it is far more effective to reduce them.

1. Collaboration in Anywhere at Anytime

Citizen Synergy increases opportunities for everyone by solving 3 conundrums:

  1. Personal Compute solves the Reliability vs Affordability Conundrum
    boosting compute opportunities.

  2. Industry Compute solves Productivity vs Unemployment Conundrum
    boosting economic opportunities.

  3. Government Compute solves the Visibility vs Privacy Conundrum
    boosting social opportunities.

Solving the more effectively through Innovation rather than Production.
Team Compute enables everyone within a country to work together for the benefit of themselves and the nation.

Purposes REPLACE Rules

Ubiquitous Compute gives governments a powerful new tool:

  • Solving their toughest problems more effectively through Collaboration rather than Regulation.

Governments can solve some of the most difficult problems by aggregating the compute power and private data on millions of citizen mobile phones.

Just like how private Cyberspace solves the Privaxy vs Visibility conundrum by boosting compute opportunity, it solves the Productivity vs Unemployment Conundrum by boosting economic opportunity..

Government of each country must have control of its own digital landscape free from influence of foreign powers.

Citizen Ecosystem is a country specific cyberspace where citizens of a country can collaborate with each other for the good of the country.

Citizen Ecosystem enables governments to work WITH instead of just work for their citizens. Private Cyberspaces encourages innovation rather than regulation. Private Cyberspaces reward production instead of promoting consumption.

Citizen Synergy technology. It resolves the privacy concerns limiting citizen participations in sharing of resources with others - opening the way for safe rewarding collaboration between complete strangers.

Citizen Assisted Governance

Due to the separation of power principle, the global Private Cyberspace incubator is NOT supposed to operate in any country. can help start other global or national incubators and it may act as a back up in rare cases, but it was never designed to be the primary incubator for everyday use.

Currently, 3 trial national incubators are being developed in 3 countries:

  1. - Australia
  2. - China
  3. - United States of America

Trial national incubators are also being planned in 3 other countries:

  1. Canada
  2. New Zealand
  3. United Kingdom

These are all trials incubators for fine tuning of the incubator deployment process, it is expected that local citizens will deployment THEIR OWN incubators in their countries themselves for production use by the public.

Some government departments and large enterprises are also expected to deploy their own incubators for sovereignty and security reasons.

Please contact us at if you will like to participate in the incubator program in your country.

Due to the separation of power principle, legal entities that are PUBLIC incubators (where private cyberspaces do NOT belong to the same organisation) cannot also be an application provider or an infrastructure supplier.

Country Deployment

Incubators make it easy for everyone (independent of their skills and wealth) to create and operate their own Private Cyberspaces by solving common Usability and Affordability issues that traditionally come with starting a new endeavour.

As a cyberspace owner the Application Provider that helps you create your first Private Cyberspace is your incubator. Explore the possibilities of your Private Cyberspace with it and after you have gained some experience you can look at other incubator types mention on this page.

Incubation is a critical part of innovation within Entity Computing (which rejects the idea that a few directors and engineers of the Cloud can know what is best for the rest of the world). Incubators' roles are just in getting people started and then let them grow their Private Cyberspaces in their OWN ways.

There are incubators supporting all start up types, from Cyberspace Owners (e.g. you) to Application Providers (e.g. to Infrastructure Suppliers (e.g. to Ecosystem Coordinators (e.g.

1. Cyberspace Owner

Cyberspace Owners are supported by Application Providers who sole purpose is to make it EASY for the owners to maximise the benefits provided of their private cyberspaces.

1.1. Usability

Fit for Purpose For your initial Private Cyberspace you can choose an Application Provider that preload applications that matches closest to your lifestyle e.g. university student, active retiree etc. If you do not have a preference, you can just go to and you will be redirected to a general purpose Application Provider closest to you.

Simple Adjustments After your Private Cyberspace is created, you can adjust it according to your needs (to make it easier to use, to add more features etc.) including changing everything that the Application Provider has preloaded for you or changing the Application Provider itself - at anytime, at no cost - while keeping all the information asset you have already gathered untouched.

This flexibility is a direct result of storing your data in your Private Cyberspace where you have full control instead of storing your data in the Cloud where it has control.

AI Assist Most Application Providers will have some AI assist user-interface. For example, speech recognition:

1.2. Affordability

Different Application Providers can decide on the best way of offering their applications and their level of support service but the idea is to level the playing field for those with financial resources, so the default is the Anonymous Voluntary Donation mode within the Retrospective Reward scheme.

In order to grow the ecosystem, most Application Providers charges for commercial use only, that is they do NOT charge at fees if you use them for commercial purposes, but you are asked to contributes about 1% of your revenue if you operate your

3. Application Providers

Contact Trace Australia ( is an example of an Application Provider that provides general purpose Private Cyberspaces to people who live in New South Wales Australia with a focus on collecting and generating value from owner's movement data.

Contact Trace Australia in about building up location based information assets in your Private Cyberspace, so its Web Console (available at is built around an online map.

Web Console displayed after First Installed
1. Alias Type 2. Zoom Level
3. Background Map 4. Camera Scanner
5. Current Location 6. Location Pins
7. Dynamic Alias 8. Number of Alerts
9. Map Copyright 10. Map Scale
11. Application Menu 12. Notification List

Organisations that provides applications to Private Cyberspaces are called Application Providers.

oordinates activities in the Citizen Ecosystems are called Ecosystem Coordinators.

of a country. for is not designed to replaced is a global
Unlike a platform an A Citizen Ecosystem

enable local communities WITHOUT much resources to put together their own community based services rapidly and cheaply by leveraging global citizen applications.

Incubators provides citizen ecosystem templates enabling citizens worldwide to set up local private cyberspaces rapidly. They can also provide any missing components filling in gaps temporarily until local resources are available. is an incubator for citizen ecosystems, it can be used as a template for creation of new ecosystems as well as a backup ecosystem for other ecosystems.

It is designed to complement and not replace country specific ecosystems (e.g.,, which have much more features, better integration with the governments and much narrower focus.

Community Support

For the non-technical folks, there are people out there who need your example, who need you to go forth and fight that battle, so they won't have to fight as hard. And it is worth it, you help to change the profession by your existence.

Government Compute

Governments working WITH instead of FOR their citizens

Mass Collaboration

Team Compute puts a community data center in EVERY HOME. Anyone (from refugees to billionaires) can scale out one's cyberspace affordably by selling compute and aggregating latent infrastructures worldwide.

Fuzzy Block uses blockchain technologies for production instead of speculation, replacing wasteful mining with productive processing. It is made up of citizen owned computing devices (like mobile phones and home computers) and is the ONLY truly distributed public blockchain in the world.

Public blockchains claims to be decentralised but they are not.

Multiple Company Structure

There are a number of advantages in building up the citizen ecosystem in your country with at least 2 companies - one is non-profit and one is for-profit.

Raspberry Pi

Use of a non-profit (Raspberry Pi Foundation) and a for-profit (Raspberry Pi Ltd)


Use of a non-profit (OpenAI Inc) and a for-profit (OpenAI Global)

Digital Sovereignty

Government of each country must have control of its own digital landscape free from influence of foreign powers.

Private Cyberspace transforms every citizen from a consumer into a producer in the digital economy.

Regional Coordinator

Citizen Ecosystems are based on Active Citizens working together in at all levels. The Regional Coordinator enables all of them to work together seamlessly.


Unlike a "platform" where everyone depends on, there is no single point of dependence in an ecosystem. Regional Coordinator does NOT get involve with the day to day operation of the ecosystem. If the Regional Coordinator disappears or gone bad, everyone can just coordinate amongst themselves and continue as before.

We are currently setting up 3 demonstration regional coordinators in Australia, China and United States of America. Note these are DEMOs, they are not real, we expect local citizen ownership of all real Regional Coordinators.

Coordinator Purpose

The Regional Coordinator holds intellectual property rights related to citizen information ecosystems within a region.


The Regional Coordinator aims to maximise Individual Dignity, Social Equity and System Quality in every ecosystem it coordinates. Most cyberspaces, even large cyberspaces with own staff, from a closed cyberspace like department of defence to an education cyberspace for primary schools, can benefit from common coordination of some form in the country they have equipment on (they operate under that country's laws).

The Regional Coordinator helps set interoperability guidelines within the region and at an international level. It promotes deep country and population specific customisations to the ecosystems, ensuring that the ecosystems not only follow all local laws but actually improves the wellbeing of local citizens.

Coordinator Structure

In return for the nationwide coordination, coordinators receives an income. Generally, there is a charge on profits made within the ecosystem instead of usage of the ecosystem.

In general, the National Coordinator is an independent legal entity (e.g. a company) with the ultimate aim of the citizens in the country holding the majority of its shares.

1. Separation of Power

Although Private Cyberspaces can interact directly with each other at anytime under mutually agreed rules, Citizen Ecosystems provide ready made structures that Private Cyberspaces with common interests can join and interact with each other based on predefined rules of the ecosystem, WITHOUT needing to make individual interaction agreements with each other.


Common functions provided by the Citizen Ecosystem are:

  1. Maintain trusted directories.
  2. Issue ecosystem coins.
  3. Liaise with government departments.
  4. Protect intellectual property rights.
  5. Manage shared resources.


1.2. Joining and Leaving

Some Citizen Ecosystems, like country based national ecosystems are public and can be joined by anyone, while others are private and opened to certain Private Cyberspaces.

Besides joining existing Citizen Ecosystems, Private Cyberspaces can also work together and create a new Citizen Ecosystem for themselves.

Leaving Citizen Ecosystems is very easy, unlike Cloud Platforms, with Private Cyberspaces both the algorithms and storages are already on your infrastructure, there is NO need to export information NOR worry that your data has not been deleted.

1.3. Citizen Controlled

Citizen contributed and audited directories provides trusted sources of truth so Private Cyberspaces interact with Private Cyberspaces that they have no prior knowledge of or that they do not trust.

Besides standard updating and reading operations on the directories, these directories also support monitoring and auditing by ANY member - even members without much computing resources.

2. National Ecosystems

There is normally at least one Citizen Ecosystems for each country to ensure that interactions between Private Cyberspaces follow the law of that country.

Due to the separation of power principle, the global citizen ecosystem CANNOT operate as a National Ecosystem in any country. It can help start other ecosystems and it may act as a back up in rare cases, but it was never designed to be the primary ecosystem for everyday use.

Currently, 3 trial national citizen ecosystems are being developed in 3 countries:

  1. - Australia
  2. - China
  3. - United States of America

These are trials ecosystems for fine tuning of the ecosystem deployment process, it is expected that local citizens will deployment ecosystems in those countries themselves for production use by the public.

Some government departments and large enterprises are also expected to deploy their own ecosystems for sovereignty and security reasons.

Due to the separation of power principle, within each public ecosystems (where users do not belong to the same organisation) each legal entity can only be ONE of ecosystem coordinator, application provider or infrastructure supplier.

2. Separation of Powers

Power tends to corrupt and
absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Lord Acton

To prevent those WITH massive compute power shaping the lives of those WITHOUT, Private Cyberspace breaks up monolithic Cloud Platforms into millions of independently owned and controlled digital environments to deliver unprecedented privacy, security, performance, and reliability.

Private Cyberspace breaks the monolithic Cloud structure into 3 independent branches preventing control of your cyberspace by a single party.

  1. Crowd Infrastructure provides affordable infrastructures to your cyberspace by using surplus resources in other private cyberspaces.
  2. Citizen Application provides trusted applications to your cyberspace by using other cyberspaces to execute and monitor their operations.
  3. Citizen Ecosystem provides coordination between cyberspaces so they can interact according to agreed rules.

Citizen Ecosystem is optional in most interactions, when Private Cyberspaces already know about each other ad are happy to deal directly with each other.

A loose analogy can be made between the 3 branches of the Private Cyberspace with the 3 branches of governments. The fundamental difference is that the owner of the Private Cyberspace CONTROLS ALL 3 branches.

  1. Crowd Infrastructure - Executive branch
    Owners of Private Cyberspaces can select the Crowd Infrastructures to perform the actual operations on its data.
  2. Citizen Application - Judiciary branch
    Owners of Private Cyberspaces can select the Citizen Applications to decide on which operations to performed on its data.
  3. Citizen Ecosystem - Legislature branch
    Private Cyberspaces can belong to none, one or more Citizen Ecosystems and can freely change them.

In Australia the developers of those 3 branches are 3 separate businesses under 3 different legal entities (companies):

Branch Support Business Name Company Number
Crowd Infrastructure Infrastructure Supplier OZtralia ABN 62 629 769 919
Citizen Application Application Provider Contact Trace Australia ABN 72 052 359 725
Citizen Ecosystem Ecosystem Coordinator ABN 58 091 880 330

The separation of power principle does not stop at just the developers, it is applies to every component and operation related to Private Cyberspaces. So long as the separation does not affect the quality of the system negatively by too much - the responsibility is divided between more parties.