The deployment of the above regions are prioritised so we can get our Non-Stop Support network up as soon as possible.
Please post in if you can help with deployment in the above 5 regions or if you would like to deploy citizen ecosystems in some other regions during 2025.
Documentation: 40% Stability: Low Features: Defining Audited: No Country:Australia
Preview Release comes with a Newbie mode allowing contact tracing to be performed on the front page with 3 buttons - representing the 3 stages of citizen driven contact tracing.
Documentation: 60% Support: until first Beta release Stability: Low Features: Developing Audited: No Country:Australia
Compute Asset reached Alpha release and is available for black-box testing. This release also expanded the problem space that Compute Asset can solve substantially. Some highlights include:
Beside reporting your health status, you can now report an endless number of statuses about you and the environment around you, from pot holes on the road to lost handbags to active shooter in the building.
Another new feature is the change from a one way data collection into bidirectional asset exchange. All your reports are now tracked with blockchain secured interval coins, so you have a trusted ledger on how much data contributions you have made.
The 2025 Beta release of Compute Owner is the first release where all features are now stable and will NOT substantially change.
Support for 25.02 will start from February 2005 in aunsw (New South Wales, Australia) and then progressively move out to other parts of the world in the following months.
1. Deliverables
The following should be completed by this release:
Unless there are urgent security patches, the application versions used for 25.01 are listed here: Application Release 25.01
4. Outside New South Wales Australia
Only compute owners in aunsw (New South Wales Australia) have access to all features of this release, compute owners outside aunsw are partially supported by the Australian Citizen Ecosystem until their own ecosystems are available.
5. Interval Coin
Due to its development nature the 2025 Interval Coin may not be stable, you can confirm all transactions on your Citizen Timelines.
There will be no gold nor silver au2025 coins in this 25.02 release under They are expected to be available in the 25.08 release under
Only compute owners in Australia have access to all features of this release, overseas compute owners are partially supported by the Australian Citizen Ecosystem until their own ecosystems are available.
Some features missing for overseas compute owners:
No high resolution aerial maps.
No online identity checks e.g. passport, driver license.
Put your country in the list above by starting your own Citizen Ecosystem.
Contact us early so the citizens in your country can be one of the first to benefit from the FIRST STABLE RELEASE of Private Cyberspace!
This is our first Production Release with bug fixes and security patches for at least 5 years.
All August releases after this will also be Production Releases suitable for general production, with at least 5 years support.
All releases in other months are for Compute Owners who like to experience the latest technologies at the expense of stability, these Development Releases only have 1 year of support.
Although there are at least 5 years support for all Production Releases, updating once every year to the next Production release is highly recommended.
Your local Citizen Ecosystem might provide longer 5 years support to Production Releases.